Buddha's visit to Mahiyangana
Deepawansa, Samanthapasadika and Mahavamsa the three great ancient chronicles written 900, 1000 and 1100 years respectively after the Maha parinibbana of the Buddha Sakyamuni Gautama, give a detailed account of his sacred visits to this Dhammadweepa and it is very interesting to note that it has developed a tradition unique in its origin and advancement of Buddhism throughout.
It is recorded when Thathagatha visited the island he foresaw that the doctrine He discovered and preached in Jambudweepa will be preserved in its pristine purity by the devotees in Sri Lanka.
It is true that Sri Lanka stands as a well renowned country as Dharmadweepa since it's inception here when Buddhism had already declined in its place of birth. Sri Lanka had the good fortune of being blessed with the presence of the living Buddha - the most sacred event in human history.
Not once but thrice on various occasions. These sacred visits has preceded the introduction of Buddhism by Thera Mahinda in 247 BC. In the pre-Mahinda era the greatest blessing to the island was Buddha's first visit to Mahiyangana in the 9th month after the enlightenment.
The above mentioned chronicles reveal that the Buddha arrived in the Mahanagavana, the splendid park in Mahiyangana, on the right bank of river Mahaweli. What was the area like when Buddha arrived could be concluded by the descriptions made by the Britishers the Imperial masters centuries later. Richard Brooke in 1832 the first Englishman to explore Mahaweli which is according to him was the biggest river in Ceylon.
Mahinyangana - Location
"It flows through most of the wildest and also some of the most beautiful areas in Ceylon. The country through which Mahaweli flows beyond doubt extensively cultivated and any casual observer visiting, must be surprised at the vast manual labour spent in the construction of canals and tanks now totally neglected. One of the main high ways in Kandyan times followed the course of Mahaweli eastward from the capital to Alutnuwara. It is said that Alutnuwara or Mahiyangana was an important river port. Pre-Christian Sinhala literature poetry and history gives it great importance. Then one can just imagine how Mahaweli-Mahiyangana must have been during Buddha time.
How Yakka tribe was subdued
Early chronicles provide definite evidence of the tribes living here. The island at the time of Buddha's visit was inhabited by Yakkas and Nagas referred to as Amanussa. Here the reference may probably be to the primitive state of civilization in the island. Buddha himself is said to have rid the island of the Yakkas and made it suitable for human habitation. Because as mentioned earlier, Buddha was aware that in this island his teaching was to flourish.
However, the sudden appearance of the Perfect One in yellow attire radiating the glow (Budu res) the Yakkas who were overwhelmed with their rough behaviour, had thrown away their weapons and listened to Buddha and finally they have had the good luck to be blessed with the teachings of the Buddha.
They have now become good and useful citizens. Chronicles reveal how the Great Master arrived at Mahiyangana on Duruthu full moon day by air to restore peace among the war stricken Yakkas who were driven away to Giri Dripa. Again it is in the Vijaya episode that we hear much of the Yakkas much later.
The First Stupa
Subsequently, He preached Dhamma to a great gathering of gods. God Mahasumana of the Sumanakuta mountain (the guardian god) who on this occasion attained the state of Sotapanna, after listening to the sermons of the Buddha requested Him, to give something to worship, before his departure. He gave him a handful of hair from His head as an object of worship.
God Mahasumana placed it in a golden casket and later enshrined in a stupa embedded with blue stones built at the place where the Great Master was seated at Mahiyangana, considered the most sanctified spot, in the vicinity of Mahaweli.
This was built to the height of seven riyanas (a measure). This so-called Mahiyangana Chetiya is given much significance not only because it is the first stupa built in Sri Lanka, but also it is the first one built by a divine being on the spot where the Buddha made his first visit to the island.
This had been improved at various stages. After the Parinibbana of the Buddha and the distribution of the sacred relics the remaining neck relic (Greeva Dathu) was brought to Sri Lanka by Arahat Sasabu a pupil of Ven. Sariputta and enshrined in Mahiyangana stupa raising it to 12 riyanas. Later it was built to a height of 30 riyanas by king Uddaculabhaya, King Devanampiyatissa's brothers' son who covered it over afresh.
Still later king Dutugamunu built a mantle chetiya over it completing it to a height of 80 riyanas which exists to this day as an amazing marvel, and a landmark gift to Buddhist heritage. Today if has become the most sanctified and venerated place of worship by the devotees and also a national treasure.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
There were 278,131 IDPs in May this year as at 21.12.2009 there were only 106,348 IDPs in Detention camps!
Overcoming many an obstacle:
World record in resettlement
Lakshmi DE SILVA
With the diminishing flames of war the government had to face another major problem in May this year. The innocent people trapped and held hostage by the LTTE were escaping from their ruthless terrorists hanging on to their most valuable things-their children.
Most of them skeleton-like were struggling to cross over to the Government held areas unheeding their former bosses while the terrorists were shooting at them.
The untold misery was shown on their faces. The trickle swelled. The exodus finally ended recording the IDP number at 278,131. It was the largest humanitarian operation in recent history. The Army, Navy and the Air Force personnel were providing security, shelter, food and drinking water at the first stages with the maximum support from the political leadership.
More than 23 school buildings, and Government offices were immediately turned into transition relief centres, while 200 to 300 acre scrub jungle lands were cleared and turned into relief villages to settle the internally displaced people at the initial stage, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Ministry Secretary U.L.M. Haldeen said.
It was not an easy task. But under the direction of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Presidential Advisor Basil Rajapaksa MP with the Armed Forces we had to work round the clock to provide facilities to the crowds that increased every hour at the first phase.
This was a major operation and was a greater challenge than the war. The line ministries and institutions, Road Development Authority, UN Agencies, UNHCR . District Secretaries of Vavuniya, Kandy, Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura with other Ministry Officials worked hard throughout with the mechanism for nearly three months during the peak time. They all joined in providing food, accommodation, drinking water and other facilities, Haldeen explained.
Manik Farm was a scrub jungle area. We cleared it and provided infrastructure. Special water supply scheme was opened at Malwathu Oya to divert water to Manik Farm whenever there was a water shortage. Water Supplies Board officials and the UNICEF officials worked hard to provide sufficient water to the IDPs in addition to the wells, tube wells and bowsers supplied exclusively for drinking purposes, the Secretary added.
How are you girls and boys?
At the beginning, cooked meals were flown by plane to Vavuniya. People from far as down Southern Province came and cooked food for the IDPs who were very weak.
Maha Nayaka Theras, Buddhist Clergy, the Mosques specially the Kathankudy Mosque, the Kurukkals, Christian clergy and the public voluntarily brought food, cooked meals and lorry loads or other relief goods of donations to these IDPs. Kuba Mudalali, a plantation owner, supplied lorry loads of coconuts for three months, free of charge. Countrymen from all parts of the country sent their generous contributions and there were millions of water bottles for the IDPs At this stage there were no barriers they did not consider about the caste, creed or religion. They provided to their own brethren in distress the needed items.
Also the foreign donor countries, Buddhist Association UK and the Tamil diaspora too provided assistance to us at the crucial hour and we thank all of them for their support, the Ministry Secretary said.
Semi permanent toilets were fixed with the assistance from the UNICEF and the Ministry. More than 40 gully extruder vehicles emptied the toilet pits and cleaned them every other day while 35 tractors were used for garbage clearing. There were 200 to 300 people engaged in garbage clearing and it was monitored by the UNICEF officers he said.
In each relief village we constructed semi permanent schools and allowed the children to study their school curriculum with the assistance from the zonal directors and well wishers. Schoolchildren were provided with school bags, books, pencils, school uniforms and the kids with toys too. The teachers were from the IDP centres itself but the teachers were exchanged whenever there was a shortage, the Secretary explained.
He further expressed his gratitude to the 25 Peradeniya Engineering Faculty Student Union undergraduates who gave tuition to the O/L students for the past four months during the weekends.
One of the first steps we took was to send the University students back to their respective Universities for their higher studies after the confirmation from the University Grants Commission, Secretary remarked.
The children sat for the year five scholarship, O/L and A/L examinations and well wishers and the Government provided maximum support for them, he noted.
We put up hospitals in each and every zone and more than 60 percent of IDPs were sick and feeble when they arrived. The Health Officers worked around the clock in addition INGOs and NGOs health workers. Those hospitals are still continuing its services to the people.
The Indian Government too helped us by sending Doctors, Medical Assistance and Health Officials . There were Specialist Doctors from France, India and other countries serving the IDPs free of charge. Health Ministry upgraded the hospitals in Vavuniya, Mannar and Chettikulam. The IDP zones had around 15 ambulances for their emergency purposes and 10 to 15 CTB buses were also available to the IDPs for transportation of patients, he noted.
Conditions of the IDPs
During the first two weeks the IDPs who arrived were very weak. Some people told me that they had gone without a proper meal for a long period.
They were happy to be going back to their own vilages
Some said they could not even wash their face and could not bathe for nearly three months. More than 60 percent were physically weak when they arrived at the relief villages and could not even speak, Haldeen said. (But now some of them were refusing to go back to their villages as there were more facilities at relief centres than they had....)
De-mining and Resettlement
President Mahinda Rajapaksa had appointed a Task Force chaired by Basil Rajapaksa MP and their main concerns were Security of the IDPs, Development of the area and resettlement.
First they decided to provide infrastructure roads, bridges, culverts and improving the minor and major irrigation reservoirs and the hospitals, school buildings and civil administration in addition to electricity, water, cleaning of wells and irrigation canals.
De- mining process was handled by the armed forces specially while some of the INGOs like UN agencies were assisting the Armed Forces. But it was our Army personnel that worked hard though it was not an easy job. More than 500 Army personnel were trained and we bought equipment to expedite the de- mining process. It was done manually and with machinery.
* It was a world record resettlement. More than 50 percent of the IDPs have been resettled as at 21.12.2009
* There were 278,131 IDPs in May this year as at 21.12.2009 there were only 106,348 IDPs in relief villages.
* 15,000 IDPs go out everyday in the morning and return to the relief villages in the evening.
* There are now only 8 relief villages functioning. All the Government Buildings where there were transitional camps have now been returned to the relevant institutions.
SRILANKA is urgently in need of reconciliation and unity....!!!
Where is the beef and how will it be cooked?
Two thousand and nine will be a year to remember and with relief, regret, sadness, hope and joy or a mix thereof depending on one’s political sympathies and affiliations. It began with the smashing of the MTV studios and assassination of Lasantha Wickrematunga, its mid point was the defeat of the LTTE which brought relief to most after three decades of debilitating war and the incarceration of some three hundred thousand Tamil civilians in camps thereafter.
It ends with a presidential election campaign in which the two main contenders were key players in the defeat of the LTTE and closely identified with the culture of impunity in respect of human rights violations. Public discourse throughout the year was dominated by the war and the categorization of opinion into two camps – patriots and traitors – a categorization that endures into the presidential election campaign with accusations of betrayal following the disputed Sarath Fonseka interview with the Sunday Leader. Two thousand and nine also ends with the hope and expectation in some quarters of change – to dynastic rule, corruption, nepotism, the erosion of respect for the Rule of Law and constitutionalism. In others, there is the fear of greater militarization of government and governance, international conspiracies determined to effect regime change.
It is a mixed bag no doubt and the interest generated by the presidential contest is underpinned by uncertainty as to its result, whoever wins. It will be followed by a general election and in all probability hiatus and uncertainty will only subside by the middle of the year, the earliest. At the same time however, will the key challenges and issues confronting the country be addressed and the means of their resolution put into motion? Granted it is from one perspective, still early days of the campaign. The campaign will hot up in the New Year. However, the way that it has proceeded so far does not inspire much confidence that the real issues and challenges will be confronted beyond the slogans and broad platitudes of change and a better future, abolition of the presidency, corruption and nepotism, betrayal and hidden agendas.
Where’s the beef? How will it be cooked?
The incumbent has yet to enlighten us as to what he will do once re-elected and assure us that it will not be more of the same. Will he change the constitution and in what direction? Will he complement military victory with a political settlement? What does he intend to do with regard to the Rule of Law and his intentional violation of the constitution as exemplified by the fate of the Seventeenth Amendment? What about corruption and nepotism? Will there be even an acknowledgement of the extent to which it continues to erode governance? Human rights, the cost of living and the economy? Gratitude and appreciation for having defeated the LTTE alone may not be enough to win this election nor a mere promise of a better future. We need to know what this future looks like, if a future of any promise it is to be. Another edition of the Chinthanaya cannot be another edition of platitudes and homilies.
The opposition makes much of its commitment to change and it appears to be the case that this is what has the most resonance with voters. The change it proposes is in the form of a new constitution, the immediate implementation of the Seventeenth Amendment and an Anti- Corruption Commission. Yet the direction of constitutional change has not been fleshed out and some have been disconcerted by remarks about the executive presidency being replaced by an executive prime minister. What will be the modalities of constitutional change? Will the process prescribed in the current constitution be followed or will there be a resort to populism and arguments about mandates which have been advocated in the past? Part of the opposition’s argument about change is that the end does not justify the means. It would be politic for it to assure the country that it will adhere to this when effecting change in the event it has the opportunity to do so. Furthermore, what will be the structure of governance – the powers of the president, the prime minister, executive, legislature and judiciary? There is admittedly a minority of the electorate that is interested in these issues and in a tight election, which this one may turn out to be, their interests and anxieties cannot be dismissed out of hand.
Significantly, the opposition does have questions to clarify on the economic front, given the conflicting ideological orientations of its two key components – the UNP and the JVP. Is it the case that the Fonseka campaign is of the opinion that the economy should not feature prominently or at all in this campaign because the issues are of governance and corruption and that in any event their candidate is running to abolish the office he aspires to and therefore economic issues should be reserved for debate in the general election campaign? From a more realpolitik perspective, if this is its view it may not have to be as much concerned with the minority of the electorate alluded to above, but with the rural masses to whom constitutionalism and corruption may well be of less concern and significance than the cost of living.
Human rights and the allegations of war crimes is one area in which there is more heat than light and little prospect of any action though action on this front is badly needed. The controversy over the Fonseka interview with the Sunday Leader and its fall-out is significant in revealing that every attempt is being made to deny that the LTTE leaders who came out carrying a white flag were killed in cold blood. This is shoddy and it casts an aspersion on aspirants to leadership in a country that has just defeated terrorism and is urgently in need of reconciliation and unity. Will there be a commission of inquiry? The reputed journalist D.B.S Jeyaraj has written an article with details about this incident. Will action only be taken if it will be at all, internationally?
The irony of this election is that in order to create a contest, the issues that go to the heart of the future of this country are in real danger of being obscured. Two thousand and ten may well end up generating more excitement and hiatus than change.
APRC was merely a farce presented to the international community in order to continue the war...!!!
Two CWC stalwarts cross over to UNP
By Dianne Silva and Ushama Roshan
Ceylon Workers Congress (CWC) National Organizer R. Yogarajan and Deputy Education Minister M. Satchithananthan joined the United National Party yesterday, creating a rift in the former party.
“We have decided to leave the Ceylon Workers Congress and join the United National Party which is allied to the United Democratic Front. In the past months we have seen that the people are not with this Government, as evidenced by the results of the past Provincial Council elections,” Mr. Yogarajan said.
He reiterated that the estate Tamil community was no longer with the CWC.
“We failed to gain even once seat in the Western Province or the Sabaragamuwa Province. This shows that the people have rejected our alliance with the Government,” he said.
Mr. Yogarajan gave as his reason for leaving the party the inability of the CWC to stand up for the interests of the people of Indian origin and the upcountry Tamils. “When I said that we needed to go to court on a Bill related to the Provincial Councils the party paid no attention to it. However the UNP and the SLMC went to court and the Bill was never passed. Representation is a fundamental right of the people and if the party is not willing to fight for it then that party is not representing the rights of its people,” he said.
The two former members of the CWC also expressed their doubt of the Government’s commitment towards devolution of power.
“I was part of the All Party Representative Committee and we met 128 times and came up with a document. This document has been shelved. This showed that the Government has no desire to give the people of the North and East a political solution,” Mr. Yogarajah said.
Later, in response to a journalist’s question he said the APRC was merely a farce presented to the international community in order to continue the war.
Mr. Yogarajah further stated that apparatus, including the 13th Amendment, which could be used to empower the minorities, were being sidelined.
“The Ministry of Estate Infrastructure was reduced and then integrated to the Ministry of Nation Building thereby reducing its importance. The Ministries for Hindu Cultural Affairs, Christian Affairs and Muslim Affairs are gone,” he said.
The two prominent CWC members also expressed optimism that the decision taken by them would also influence the judgment of the Tamil National Alliance in the coming weeks.
The former National Organiser of the CWC insinuated that more persons were likely to cross over in the coming weeks. “It is a known secret among political circles that the Eastern Province Chief Minister Pillayan is not very happy with the Government,” Mr. Yogarajah said.
Mr. Yogarajah addressed the doubts being propagated in the media about his loyalties. “Recently Sirasa TV showed me at an event with Mangala Samaraweera and later at an event in support of the Government, thus questioning my loyalties. The truth is I was at the first event because of my conscience and the second due to my loyalty to the party. However today my conscience has overridden my loyalty,” he said. Education Deputy Minister M. Satchithananthan handed in his resignation from his portfolio yesterday.
By Dianne Silva and Ushama Roshan
Ceylon Workers Congress (CWC) National Organizer R. Yogarajan and Deputy Education Minister M. Satchithananthan joined the United National Party yesterday, creating a rift in the former party.
“We have decided to leave the Ceylon Workers Congress and join the United National Party which is allied to the United Democratic Front. In the past months we have seen that the people are not with this Government, as evidenced by the results of the past Provincial Council elections,” Mr. Yogarajan said.
He reiterated that the estate Tamil community was no longer with the CWC.
“We failed to gain even once seat in the Western Province or the Sabaragamuwa Province. This shows that the people have rejected our alliance with the Government,” he said.
Mr. Yogarajan gave as his reason for leaving the party the inability of the CWC to stand up for the interests of the people of Indian origin and the upcountry Tamils. “When I said that we needed to go to court on a Bill related to the Provincial Councils the party paid no attention to it. However the UNP and the SLMC went to court and the Bill was never passed. Representation is a fundamental right of the people and if the party is not willing to fight for it then that party is not representing the rights of its people,” he said.
The two former members of the CWC also expressed their doubt of the Government’s commitment towards devolution of power.
“I was part of the All Party Representative Committee and we met 128 times and came up with a document. This document has been shelved. This showed that the Government has no desire to give the people of the North and East a political solution,” Mr. Yogarajah said.
Later, in response to a journalist’s question he said the APRC was merely a farce presented to the international community in order to continue the war.
Mr. Yogarajah further stated that apparatus, including the 13th Amendment, which could be used to empower the minorities, were being sidelined.
“The Ministry of Estate Infrastructure was reduced and then integrated to the Ministry of Nation Building thereby reducing its importance. The Ministries for Hindu Cultural Affairs, Christian Affairs and Muslim Affairs are gone,” he said.
The two prominent CWC members also expressed optimism that the decision taken by them would also influence the judgment of the Tamil National Alliance in the coming weeks.
The former National Organiser of the CWC insinuated that more persons were likely to cross over in the coming weeks. “It is a known secret among political circles that the Eastern Province Chief Minister Pillayan is not very happy with the Government,” Mr. Yogarajah said.
Mr. Yogarajah addressed the doubts being propagated in the media about his loyalties. “Recently Sirasa TV showed me at an event with Mangala Samaraweera and later at an event in support of the Government, thus questioning my loyalties. The truth is I was at the first event because of my conscience and the second due to my loyalty to the party. However today my conscience has overridden my loyalty,” he said. Education Deputy Minister M. Satchithananthan handed in his resignation from his portfolio yesterday.
One cannot fool all the people all the time.! The governments record of corruption is infinitely worse than that of any other government we have had.!
The common enemy and common candidate
In these days of lawlessness, nepotism, family bandyism, corruption, torn lives, splintered families and shattered hopes, our aim is to vote for General Sarath Fonseka for these reasons and more.
Firstly as a loyal UNPer all my life, I stand firmly by the decision of my leader and my party to support the General.
I have utmost confidence in the UNP leader and have never been in the band of detractors, who were at his feet while he was PM and are now at his throat.
The party leaders in the alliance are united in their belief that the enemy is the Rajapaksa family and the Executive Presidency.
Both have to go. To defeat the present incumbent (who has only won a war to his credit), you needed to find a candidate who could match his war victory and also one whom the entire Opposition could support.
Some of those who denigrated the UNP leader time and time again now say he should have contested. Their agenda is not unknown. To those who say General Fonseka is inexperienced, I ask what about Eisenhower and De Gaulle?
The governments record of corruption is infinitely worse than that of any other government we have had.
I quote a few recent instances as there are too many to mention. Many construction projects have been awarded to foreign agencies without proper tender procedure.
The A9 Anuradhapura—Jaffna road contract was awarded to a Chinese construction company called ‘Catic’ for US dollars 166.5 million [approximately 18.3 billion] --Rs 119 million per km.
Catic has no road experience whatsoever and has sub-contracted local contractors with road experience at Rs 60 million per km.
Where the difference of 50 million per km [over 8 billion] went is anybody’s guess.
The Jaffna - Point Pedro Road, Jaffna - KKS Road, Jaffna - Palaly Rd , Potur - Mesalai Road were all awarded to another Chinese firm named China Railway again with no road experience, for 87 million US dollars. [9.6 million per km].The construction of the Mattal airport was awarded to another Chinese Company with no proper tender procedure being followed. These are just drops in an ocean of corruption. No wonder a leading economist stated recently that there is a 2% loss in GDP because of corruption.
How can we possibly vote for a person who has not kept a single promise but still has the gall to say, “what we promise we will deliver”.
General Fonseka is unassuming and sincere. He owns only a modest home. All this points to his integrity. A quality he shares with Ranil Wickremesinghe, Mangala Samaraweera, Rauff Hakeem and the other leaders backing him.
Having risen from the ranks in the army, he is a man of discipline. He is a ‘game miniha’, like the Rajapaksa always claim to be. Therefore he is aware of the pulse of the villager. He enjoys challenges and faces them courageously; He nearly lost his life in the service of the country and has been in the frontline of the war.
Slinging mud has always been a favourite pastime of the Rajapaksas and their stooges. Together with the bunch of discredited UNP dissidents and pseudo-patriots with foreign passports they are slinging mud at the General, against the UNP leader and at Mangala Samaraweera.
Those who are now pointing fingers can hardly afford to talk of honour, integrity or moral standards. Among the detractors are those who recently hailed the General as a patriot but are now calling him a traitor.
“Thus above all to thine own-self be true. As night must follow day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”
One cannot fool all the people all the time!
Irani Tillekaratne
In these days of lawlessness, nepotism, family bandyism, corruption, torn lives, splintered families and shattered hopes, our aim is to vote for General Sarath Fonseka for these reasons and more.
Firstly as a loyal UNPer all my life, I stand firmly by the decision of my leader and my party to support the General.
I have utmost confidence in the UNP leader and have never been in the band of detractors, who were at his feet while he was PM and are now at his throat.
The party leaders in the alliance are united in their belief that the enemy is the Rajapaksa family and the Executive Presidency.
Both have to go. To defeat the present incumbent (who has only won a war to his credit), you needed to find a candidate who could match his war victory and also one whom the entire Opposition could support.
Some of those who denigrated the UNP leader time and time again now say he should have contested. Their agenda is not unknown. To those who say General Fonseka is inexperienced, I ask what about Eisenhower and De Gaulle?
The governments record of corruption is infinitely worse than that of any other government we have had.
I quote a few recent instances as there are too many to mention. Many construction projects have been awarded to foreign agencies without proper tender procedure.
The A9 Anuradhapura—Jaffna road contract was awarded to a Chinese construction company called ‘Catic’ for US dollars 166.5 million [approximately 18.3 billion] --Rs 119 million per km.
Catic has no road experience whatsoever and has sub-contracted local contractors with road experience at Rs 60 million per km.
Where the difference of 50 million per km [over 8 billion] went is anybody’s guess.
The Jaffna - Point Pedro Road, Jaffna - KKS Road, Jaffna - Palaly Rd , Potur - Mesalai Road were all awarded to another Chinese firm named China Railway again with no road experience, for 87 million US dollars. [9.6 million per km].The construction of the Mattal airport was awarded to another Chinese Company with no proper tender procedure being followed. These are just drops in an ocean of corruption. No wonder a leading economist stated recently that there is a 2% loss in GDP because of corruption.
How can we possibly vote for a person who has not kept a single promise but still has the gall to say, “what we promise we will deliver”.
General Fonseka is unassuming and sincere. He owns only a modest home. All this points to his integrity. A quality he shares with Ranil Wickremesinghe, Mangala Samaraweera, Rauff Hakeem and the other leaders backing him.
Having risen from the ranks in the army, he is a man of discipline. He is a ‘game miniha’, like the Rajapaksa always claim to be. Therefore he is aware of the pulse of the villager. He enjoys challenges and faces them courageously; He nearly lost his life in the service of the country and has been in the frontline of the war.
Slinging mud has always been a favourite pastime of the Rajapaksas and their stooges. Together with the bunch of discredited UNP dissidents and pseudo-patriots with foreign passports they are slinging mud at the General, against the UNP leader and at Mangala Samaraweera.
Those who are now pointing fingers can hardly afford to talk of honour, integrity or moral standards. Among the detractors are those who recently hailed the General as a patriot but are now calling him a traitor.
“Thus above all to thine own-self be true. As night must follow day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”
One cannot fool all the people all the time!
Irani Tillekaratne
It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance...!!!
Bas Baskaran to chelvdurai
“The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” Samuel Johnson
“It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance.” Thomas Huxley
“Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.” Einstein
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.” Einstein
“Do or do not. There is no 'try.' Yoda
“Well done is better than well said.” Benjamin Franklin
“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” Japanese proverb
“Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.” John Gardner
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Gandhi
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” Annie Dillard.
“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” Thoreau
“I have not failed. I've just found 10-thousand ways that won't work” Thomas Edison
“A small leak can sink a great ship.” Benjamin Franklin
“Fall seven times. Stand up eight.” Japanese proverb
“Wisest is he who knows what he does not know.” Plato
“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.” Unknown
“God grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference”. Reinhold Neibuhr
“The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” Samuel Johnson
“It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance.” Thomas Huxley
“Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.” Einstein
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.” Einstein
“Do or do not. There is no 'try.' Yoda
“Well done is better than well said.” Benjamin Franklin
“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” Japanese proverb
“Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.” John Gardner
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Gandhi
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” Annie Dillard.
“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” Thoreau
“I have not failed. I've just found 10-thousand ways that won't work” Thomas Edison
“A small leak can sink a great ship.” Benjamin Franklin
“Fall seven times. Stand up eight.” Japanese proverb
“Wisest is he who knows what he does not know.” Plato
“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.” Unknown
“God grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference”. Reinhold Neibuhr
After all they Renounced Evil and Hatred in their Minds and Became Followers of the Tolerant Rational and Scientific teachings of the Buddha!!!
The Buddha visited Mahiyangana in ninth month
of his enlightenment
by Walter Wijenayake
Today is the Full Moon Poya Day of Duruthu in the year 2553 as for the Buddhist calendar and Thursday December 31, 2009 as for the Gregorian calendar.
The Poya dawns today at 4am and concludes at 00.42am tomorrow (January 1, 2010). The day set apart for the observing of sil is today.
As we have been made to clearly understand in going through our chronicles, Sakyamuni Siddhartha Gauthama Buddha has visited this country thrice - the first to Mahiyangana in the ninth month of his Enlightenment, the second to Nagadeepa in the fifth year of his enlightenment and third and last visit to Kelaniya in the eighth year of his Enlightenment.
The blessed one foreseeing dissension between two factions in Sri Lanka visited the country to settle the dispute. According to the Mahavamsa, the Buddha arrived in the Mahanaga Park on the right bank of the Mahaweli Ganga as the battle gongs were sounded and the battle drums beaten and the Yakkhas poised for combat. They seeing a stranger in yellow robes in their midst, fled to the nearby jungles.
However, later some of them returned and listened to the sermon delivered by the Buddha, paying reverence. After all they renounced evil and hatred in their minds and became followers of the tolerant rational and scientific teachings of the Buddha.
That multitude comprising teeming thousands underwent a complete volte-face and transformed themselves into followers of the Budddha’s way of life. At this occasion, the God Sumana Saman who is the guardian God of Mount Samanala or Samantha Kuta Parwathaya and who attained the State of Sothapanna after listening to the sermons of the Buddha, begged the Buddha to give something to worship on this first visit to the island. Accordingly he, the Buddha gave a handful of hair from his head which the God Sumana placed in a golden casket and later enshrined in a stupa embedded with blue stones, built to the height of seven riyanas (a measure). Mahiyangana Chetiya is given much significance and not only because it is the first dagoba built in the island, but also it is the first one built by a divine being on the spot where the Buddha made his first visit to the island.
Attainment to Sotapanna of God Sumana Saman was the other great event of this Duruthu Poya Day.
When the body of the Buddha, after his final passing away was cremated tat the sal grove in Kusinara, Sorabhu Thera retrieved a neck bone and bringing it to this island enshrined it in the Stupa built by God Sumana Saman, increasing its height to 24 feet. Uddha Chulabhya increased the height to 160 feet, a century later Prince Dutugemunu, having passed the spot on his conquering journey to Anuradhapura to vanquish the reigning King Elara, enlarged the Stupa further and we now have a very large, very ancient Dagoba further and we now have a very large, very ancient Dagoba at Mahiyangana.
www island.lk
of his enlightenment
by Walter Wijenayake
Today is the Full Moon Poya Day of Duruthu in the year 2553 as for the Buddhist calendar and Thursday December 31, 2009 as for the Gregorian calendar.
The Poya dawns today at 4am and concludes at 00.42am tomorrow (January 1, 2010). The day set apart for the observing of sil is today.
As we have been made to clearly understand in going through our chronicles, Sakyamuni Siddhartha Gauthama Buddha has visited this country thrice - the first to Mahiyangana in the ninth month of his Enlightenment, the second to Nagadeepa in the fifth year of his enlightenment and third and last visit to Kelaniya in the eighth year of his Enlightenment.
The blessed one foreseeing dissension between two factions in Sri Lanka visited the country to settle the dispute. According to the Mahavamsa, the Buddha arrived in the Mahanaga Park on the right bank of the Mahaweli Ganga as the battle gongs were sounded and the battle drums beaten and the Yakkhas poised for combat. They seeing a stranger in yellow robes in their midst, fled to the nearby jungles.
However, later some of them returned and listened to the sermon delivered by the Buddha, paying reverence. After all they renounced evil and hatred in their minds and became followers of the tolerant rational and scientific teachings of the Buddha.
That multitude comprising teeming thousands underwent a complete volte-face and transformed themselves into followers of the Budddha’s way of life. At this occasion, the God Sumana Saman who is the guardian God of Mount Samanala or Samantha Kuta Parwathaya and who attained the State of Sothapanna after listening to the sermons of the Buddha, begged the Buddha to give something to worship on this first visit to the island. Accordingly he, the Buddha gave a handful of hair from his head which the God Sumana placed in a golden casket and later enshrined in a stupa embedded with blue stones, built to the height of seven riyanas (a measure). Mahiyangana Chetiya is given much significance and not only because it is the first dagoba built in the island, but also it is the first one built by a divine being on the spot where the Buddha made his first visit to the island.
Attainment to Sotapanna of God Sumana Saman was the other great event of this Duruthu Poya Day.
When the body of the Buddha, after his final passing away was cremated tat the sal grove in Kusinara, Sorabhu Thera retrieved a neck bone and bringing it to this island enshrined it in the Stupa built by God Sumana Saman, increasing its height to 24 feet. Uddha Chulabhya increased the height to 160 feet, a century later Prince Dutugemunu, having passed the spot on his conquering journey to Anuradhapura to vanquish the reigning King Elara, enlarged the Stupa further and we now have a very large, very ancient Dagoba further and we now have a very large, very ancient Dagoba at Mahiyangana.
www island.lk
SA countries are wasting all their energy in harming one another! This is why South Asia remains a doomed region! If SA had a common union...!!!
A doomed region: SOUTH ASIA...!!!
WHEN I longingly look at Europe having one visa, one currency (euro), stronger than dollar, and one parliament to reflect on the decisions taken by individual parliaments, my eyes woefully go to South Asia which is nowhere near normalization, much less cohesion. It is wracked by internal conflicts and outer dangers. The two main countries, India and Pakistan, are not even on speaking terms. The limited trade between Srinagar and Muzzafrabad was suspended a few days ago.
Not that the European countries, 27 of them, did not quarrel. They had, in fact, wars for hundreds of years and killed thousands of nationals of one another. But they were ultimately seduced by the idea of conciliation and cooperation which has brought them prosperity and stability.
But South Asia remains stagnant. It does not map tidily onto progress for their peoples. It is still stuck in distrust and disruption. Its leaders—leave apart the founders—have never risen above their pettiness and parochialism. It seems that countries in the region realized at one time that they could benefit through friendship and founded the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). But their ego and enmity towards one another are so strong that they have not allowed the organization to function. They simply cannot cast off their animosity to begin a new chapter.
The result is that South Asia has the largest number of poor and the illiterate in the world. The child mortality is the highest. Violations of human rights are in thousands. And the infrastructure that the governments should have built is the weakest. Whatever they earn they spend on armaments— the deadlier, the better. And they have enacted so many draconian laws in the name of security that they have even encroached upon the space of individual freedom.
What the rulers in the region do not realize is that governance has to be not through the police or the paramilitary forces, but through the willing consent of the people. Development is the key. The more people are better off, the lesser would be the tension.
India’s GDP is increasing by 8 to 9 per cent per year. But when 70 per cent of its people and the states like Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand and the eastern UP do not have enough even to afford two square meals, what does the growth mean? The fallout has been the larger sway of Maoists who believe in the armed struggle to "free the masses" from poverty. In Pakistan, particularly in Punjab, the growth of Talibanisation has been primarily due to dire poverty. Those wallowing in it have come to believe that fundamentalism is the only solution to their problems.
The menace of Taliban can be fought provided the army is focused and supported by the joint front of political parties. But the Muslim League (Nawaz) has its eyes fixed on "some gain" from the turmoil. I was disappointed by Nawaz Sharif’s latest speech which deprecated the Asif Zardari government for not making amendments to the constitution to make it more democratic but did not have a word against the Taliban. He cannot ride two horses at the same time.
In Nepal, the government feels that it can reap a rich harvest if it plays the China card against India. The Nepalese prime minister has visited Beijing in the belief that if Kathmandu were to introduce a new factor, China, in its affairs it would end New Delhi’s ‘dictation’ The real malady is that different political parties have not learnt how to behave in a democratic set-up.
In fact, the point of concern for South Asia is the manner in which China is trying to act as a Big Brother in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and even Bangladesh. Islamabad is already on Beijing’s side. However some countries in the region wash off their hands with the argument that it is New Delhi which should worry because China’s strategy is to surround India. Yet Beijing’s real ambition is to dominate the region which is pursuing a different culture and is striving to establish a society that remains democratic, without following a doctrinaire line.
The responsibility of unleashing the forces of destruction lies on eight SAARC countries. Terrorism was the genie which the Pakistan government brought out from the bottle. Many gullible people still believe that the Taliban only want the true Islam to come back. Does it mean the killing of the innocent and the denial of right to education and freedom to women?
New Delhi has released the Frankenstein of balkanization by issuing its fiat at midnight that the government is proposing to take measures for creating the state of Telangana. The Manmohan Singh government’s flip-flop has reignited fires of individual identity throughout the country. Already in schools of some of the states songs exalting the regional idea have been introduced into text books. History books taught in lower classes have disclosed a marked tendency to exaggerate the past achievements of the dominant linguistic groups. The government may rue the day when it announced the formation of Telengana because it has led to a sense of frustration, with grave consequences, if similar demands are not met.
In Pakistan, there is a demand for autonomy by Baluchistan, the North Western Frontier Province and Sind. It looks as if the country faces a real danger of disintegrating. In contrast, Bangladesh has consolidated itself through present democratic government. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has retrieved the disturbed Chittagong Hill tracks by giving it more authority. Decentralisation of power is the only way to keep nations together. No country in the region seems to realize this. I hope that Sri Lanka has learnt the lesson. Otherwise, some other elements from among the Tamils may rise and constitute themselves into another LTTE to demand for the right to rule themselves.
Busy as they are in politicking, which only means power and corruption, the governance in South Asia is practically non-existent. There is a nexus of politicians, the police and bureaucrats. India, although more democratic in the region, has small fires of defiance burning all over. More stringent measures, which are the only mantra that Home Minister P.Chidambaram has learnt, may build up resistance. This is a lesson for the rest of South Asia.
If countries in the region had a common union, they would have together fought some of the challenges they face—terrorism and backwardness. But they would rather shoot at the neighbour than cooperate. The cooperation may help the countries to extinguish the "prairie fires," a la Che Guevara, raging within. At present, the countries are wasting all their energy in harming one another. This is the reason why South Asia remains a doomed region.
www island.lk
WHEN I longingly look at Europe having one visa, one currency (euro), stronger than dollar, and one parliament to reflect on the decisions taken by individual parliaments, my eyes woefully go to South Asia which is nowhere near normalization, much less cohesion. It is wracked by internal conflicts and outer dangers. The two main countries, India and Pakistan, are not even on speaking terms. The limited trade between Srinagar and Muzzafrabad was suspended a few days ago.
Not that the European countries, 27 of them, did not quarrel. They had, in fact, wars for hundreds of years and killed thousands of nationals of one another. But they were ultimately seduced by the idea of conciliation and cooperation which has brought them prosperity and stability.
But South Asia remains stagnant. It does not map tidily onto progress for their peoples. It is still stuck in distrust and disruption. Its leaders—leave apart the founders—have never risen above their pettiness and parochialism. It seems that countries in the region realized at one time that they could benefit through friendship and founded the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). But their ego and enmity towards one another are so strong that they have not allowed the organization to function. They simply cannot cast off their animosity to begin a new chapter.
The result is that South Asia has the largest number of poor and the illiterate in the world. The child mortality is the highest. Violations of human rights are in thousands. And the infrastructure that the governments should have built is the weakest. Whatever they earn they spend on armaments— the deadlier, the better. And they have enacted so many draconian laws in the name of security that they have even encroached upon the space of individual freedom.
What the rulers in the region do not realize is that governance has to be not through the police or the paramilitary forces, but through the willing consent of the people. Development is the key. The more people are better off, the lesser would be the tension.
India’s GDP is increasing by 8 to 9 per cent per year. But when 70 per cent of its people and the states like Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand and the eastern UP do not have enough even to afford two square meals, what does the growth mean? The fallout has been the larger sway of Maoists who believe in the armed struggle to "free the masses" from poverty. In Pakistan, particularly in Punjab, the growth of Talibanisation has been primarily due to dire poverty. Those wallowing in it have come to believe that fundamentalism is the only solution to their problems.
The menace of Taliban can be fought provided the army is focused and supported by the joint front of political parties. But the Muslim League (Nawaz) has its eyes fixed on "some gain" from the turmoil. I was disappointed by Nawaz Sharif’s latest speech which deprecated the Asif Zardari government for not making amendments to the constitution to make it more democratic but did not have a word against the Taliban. He cannot ride two horses at the same time.
In Nepal, the government feels that it can reap a rich harvest if it plays the China card against India. The Nepalese prime minister has visited Beijing in the belief that if Kathmandu were to introduce a new factor, China, in its affairs it would end New Delhi’s ‘dictation’ The real malady is that different political parties have not learnt how to behave in a democratic set-up.
In fact, the point of concern for South Asia is the manner in which China is trying to act as a Big Brother in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and even Bangladesh. Islamabad is already on Beijing’s side. However some countries in the region wash off their hands with the argument that it is New Delhi which should worry because China’s strategy is to surround India. Yet Beijing’s real ambition is to dominate the region which is pursuing a different culture and is striving to establish a society that remains democratic, without following a doctrinaire line.
The responsibility of unleashing the forces of destruction lies on eight SAARC countries. Terrorism was the genie which the Pakistan government brought out from the bottle. Many gullible people still believe that the Taliban only want the true Islam to come back. Does it mean the killing of the innocent and the denial of right to education and freedom to women?
New Delhi has released the Frankenstein of balkanization by issuing its fiat at midnight that the government is proposing to take measures for creating the state of Telangana. The Manmohan Singh government’s flip-flop has reignited fires of individual identity throughout the country. Already in schools of some of the states songs exalting the regional idea have been introduced into text books. History books taught in lower classes have disclosed a marked tendency to exaggerate the past achievements of the dominant linguistic groups. The government may rue the day when it announced the formation of Telengana because it has led to a sense of frustration, with grave consequences, if similar demands are not met.
In Pakistan, there is a demand for autonomy by Baluchistan, the North Western Frontier Province and Sind. It looks as if the country faces a real danger of disintegrating. In contrast, Bangladesh has consolidated itself through present democratic government. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has retrieved the disturbed Chittagong Hill tracks by giving it more authority. Decentralisation of power is the only way to keep nations together. No country in the region seems to realize this. I hope that Sri Lanka has learnt the lesson. Otherwise, some other elements from among the Tamils may rise and constitute themselves into another LTTE to demand for the right to rule themselves.
Busy as they are in politicking, which only means power and corruption, the governance in South Asia is practically non-existent. There is a nexus of politicians, the police and bureaucrats. India, although more democratic in the region, has small fires of defiance burning all over. More stringent measures, which are the only mantra that Home Minister P.Chidambaram has learnt, may build up resistance. This is a lesson for the rest of South Asia.
If countries in the region had a common union, they would have together fought some of the challenges they face—terrorism and backwardness. But they would rather shoot at the neighbour than cooperate. The cooperation may help the countries to extinguish the "prairie fires," a la Che Guevara, raging within. At present, the countries are wasting all their energy in harming one another. This is the reason why South Asia remains a doomed region.
www island.lk
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2009: The Road to Presidential, Parliamentary Polls Early 2010..!!!
2009: The Road to Presidential, Parliamentary Polls Early 2010
by Shamindra Ferdinando
Had anyone felt that the collapse of the LTTE on the banks of the Nanthikadal lagoon in May would facilitate incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s re-election bid two years ahead of the next presidential poll, a split in the Rajapaksa camp could not have come at a worse time.
The unexpected division within the President’s "A’ team with two powerful players, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and former Army Chief General (Rtd) Sarath Fonseka clashing over the events leading to Sri Lanka’s triumph over the LTTE made 2009 an eventful year.
For an Opposition struggling to cope with President Rajapaksa’s growing popularity against the backdrop of finishing off the Tigers regardless of a determined international bid to save Prabhakaran, Fonseka had given hope though beating the incumbent President would be an overwhelming task. The UNP firmly believed that the Rajapaksa administration could not sustain the combined security forces offensive due to economic difficulties worsened by dwindling foreign reserves.
The Opposition also felt that the IMF would turn down Sri Lanka’s call for $1.9 billion standby facility. But to the credit of the Rajapaksa administration, it relentlessly pursued a military option until the Army killed Prabhakaran, along with his family on the banks of Nanthikadal lagoon. President Rajapaksa and Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa strongly opposed international efforts to throw a lifeline to the LTTE by way of restrictions on arms sales to Colombo and a US bid to evacuate the LTTE leadership and a subsequent UN move to remove the top LTTE leadership from the battlefield. Had they succeeded, a Tamil government in exile would be a reality and Colombo could not have done a thing about it.
A dejected UNP had no option but to reach an extraordinary political agreement with the Marxist JVP to take on the government on the pretext of abolishing the executive presidency. The JVP-UNP marriage had the blessings of former President Chandrika Kumaratunga and former Chief Justice Sarath Nanda Silva, bitter critics of the Rajapaksas, though President Rajapaksa remained confident of crushing the Opposition bid.
2009 comes to an end with the Opposition making a last ditch attempt to oust Rajapaksa. Whoever wins the January 26 presidential poll will comfortably take the forthcoming parliamentary polls.
The following is a summary of the main security, political, economic and international developments:
The Army liberated Paranthan, Elephant Pass, Kilinochchi, Pallai, Soranpattu in quick succession close on the heels of veteran political cum defence columnist D.B.S. Jeyaraj’s claim that the 12,000 to 15,000 battle-hardened LTTE cadres remained on the Vanni front. He asserted that the LTTE had the wherewithal to destroy the Army east of the A9. This claim was made in the wake of the LTTE declaration that the liberation of Kilinochchi was only a daydream of President Rajapaksa.
UNP Assistant Secretary Rukman Senanayake hailed battlefield victories while praising the Rajapaksa brothers, Mahinda and Gotabhaya for giving the required leadership. Much to the chagrin of his colleagues, the Kegalle District MP declared that they had met the LTTE military challenge boldly and also successfully executed the war.
Ranil Wickremesinghe accused the government of failing to evacuate soldiers wounded on the Vanni front, a charge denied by the Defence Secretary.
The Sunday Leader editor Lasantha Wickrematunga was killed in broad daylight in Colombo. Wickrematunga, who fearlessly took on the government, was the most prominent journalist to die at the hands of assassins. An armed gang stormed MTV/MBC studio at Pannipitiya. The Opposition accused the government of carrying out both attacks though being denied by the UPFA. But today, the Wickrematunga assassination is an issue at the presidential election with claims and counter claims over the despicable act of killing a journalist.
The government proscribed the LTTE on January 7 as several fighting formation converged on the last LTTE strongholds east of the A9 road. The BBC and several other media institutions continued to attack the government over heavy loss of civilian life on the Vanni (East) front, with special emphasis on an alleged artillery strike on the government hospital at Puthukudiyirippu.
The Navy lost a Fast Attack Craft (FAC) off Mullaitivu in a suicide attack. The January 19 attack was the last suicide attack on the Navy before the war came to an end in May.
The LTTE also thwarted repeated attempts by the UN to evacuate over a dozen Sri Lankan employees trapped in the war zone along with their dependents.
The Defence Secretary ruled out a general amnesty to the LTTE leadership though ordinary cadres could be rehabilitated.
By end January, the total area under LTTE control was reduced to about 400 square km.
On January 25, the Army liberated Mullaitivu on the north-eastern coast following a year-long operation. The 59 Division fought some of the fiercest battles on the Vanni (East) front and paid a heavy price to seize the town, which the Army lost in 1996. The Division crossed Anandakulam and Nagacholai forest reserve to reach the outskirts of Mullaitivu before a daring lagoon-borne assault facilitated the final assault. Following the liberation of Mullaitivu, the then Army Chief Sarath Fonseka declared that 95 per cent of the war was over.
Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee’s sudden visit to Colombo late January fuelled speculation that New Delhi wanted President Rajapaksa to stop the offensive, though the Foreign Ministry emphasised that military action would not be called off.
The Army captured last of the seven LTTE airstrips at north-east of Piramtharukulam in the Puthukudiyirippu area The Army also thwarted an attempt to blast Iranamadu tank bund but the LTTE launched a major counter-offensive targeting the 59 Division. The LTTE caused heavy losses on the Army though it failed to sustain the offensive due to swift counter-attacks by the Army.
Hot on the heels of battlefield victories, the government comfortably won Central and Wayamba Provincial Councils taking all electorates in the two provinces.
The LTTE massacred 21 men, women and children at Kirimetiyaya in the Inginiyagala area.
UNP National List MP K. N. Choksy declared that he would not quit his seat to pave the way for S. B. Dissanayake to re-enter Parliament.
The LTTE carried out its last air attacks on Colombo and Katunayake. The SLAF shot down both aircraft but the Inland Revenue headquarters suffered heavy damage forcing the government to shift offices temporarily.
The government turned down a US offer to evacuate LTTE leadership to facilitate an end to hostilities on the Vanni front. Large groups of civilians fleeing the LTTE sought refuge in the government-held area.
While the Army advanced on the enemy, the government stepped up diplomatic efforts in South East Asia in a bid to arrest Kumaran Padmanathan aka ‘KP’ widely believed to be responsible for running a vast LTTE arms procurement ring.
Navanetham Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Refugees alleged that 2,800 civilians, including children may have been killed and 7,000 wounded since January on the Vanni front. The government vehemently rejected the allegation as the Army stepped-up the offensive.
The government also survived a US-EU spearheaded anti-Sri Lanka Resolution at Human Rights Council sessions in Geneva. It was perhaps Sri Lanka’s greatest diplomatic victory achieved against tremendous odds.
President released Mary Juliet Monica , the wife of Pubic Estate Management and Development Minister Milroy Fernando, sentenced to death by the Colombo High Court on March 2, 2005 for abducting and murdering Charlotte Teresa Fernando, believed to be Milroy’s mistress and her domestic aide Susanhewage Teckla alias Seelawathie. Monika Fernando and 2 foreign women, both over 60 years of age found guilty of heroin smuggling were among 13 women released on March 8 to coincide with the International Women’s Day. Since the introduction of the executive presidency about 100 convicts have received presidential pardon. Among them were Gonawala Sunil and Manohari Daniels by the then Presidents, JRJ and Ranasinghe Premadasa, respectively
Auditor General S. Swarnajothi accused Parliament of failing to act on his findings, particularly in the state financial sector though being submitted late last year. He also said that the Draft National Audit Bill which would strengthen the state audit was still with the Legal Draftsman.
The Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) headed by Vijitha Herath, MP, investigating INGOs and NGOs operating in Sri Lanka revealed PNNOS South Asia paid a group of Sri Lankan journalists to report on ‘conflict issues’
The Ceylinco Group withered under pressure as depositors and investors launched protests. The Ceylinco Success Educational Services Limited, another branch of Lalith Kotelawela’s group hit by deteriorating financial crisis.
The Fort Magistrate sentenced three national athletes, including Prasanna Sampath Amarasekera, a Gold medallist at regional, level and a member of Sri Lanka’s 400 metre relay team to the Olympics to one year rigorous imprisonment suspended for 10 years and fined them Rs. 100,000 each on their pleading guilty to human trafficking charge.
The Army encircled and annihilated a large LTTE fighting formation east of Puthukudirippu in the first week of April as the LTTE rapidly retreated towards the seaside. The 72-hour battle saw, the Army recovering about 420 bodies, including senior commanders, who had been at the forefront of the LTTE over the past decade. It was the single biggest blow suffered by the LTTE in the entire war. As the LTTE defences collapsed, the number of civilians fleeing in boats increased with the Navy rescuing thousands of men, women and children. With time running out for Prabhakaran, the UK called for a two-day suspension of military operations to evacuate civilians. After rejecting the British call, the government authorised the Army to pierce the last LTTE defences to rescue the civilians. The Colombo-based diplomats were given an opportunity to observe the rapid progress made on the ground.
The President visited Kilinochchi for a first hand briefing as the Army went ahead with operations with the UN making a last minute bid to arrange a meeting between UN representatives and the top LTTE leadership. The government rejected the UN call while emphasising that the LTTE leadership would not be allowed to surrender to a third party whatever the pressure brought on the government.
Amidst bloody battles on the Vanni front, the government bagged the Western Provincial Council with Prasanna Ranatunga succeeding Reginald Cooray as the Chief Minister of the council.
In late April, the government ruled out talks with defeated Tigers as the President signalled that a presidential election could be favourable to him. What he never believed was one of the top players switching allegiance to the Opposition to challenge him.
The Army recovered Prabhakaran’s body on the banks of the Nanthikadal lagoon. The recovery of his body triggered celebrations in Colombo and its suburbs and in many other parts of the country. The Army killed several hundred LTTE cadres in battles after thwarting a last ditch attempt by them to reach Mullaitivu jungles. The SLAF flew Vinayagamoorthy Muralidharan alias Karuna, now a Minister and Vice President of the SLFP to recognise the body of Prabhakaran. The ICRC revealed that the LTTE made a bid to surrender to the Army through the ICRC though nothing materialised.
The Attanagalle Magistrate remanded JVP MP Piyasiri Wijenayake over the killing of JVP activist Nandana Ballaga in the run up to elections to the WPC. UPFA MP Sarana Gunawardena was also remanded over the alleged abduction of the son of a supporter after he switched his allegiance to Prasanna Ranatunga.
WPC member Hector Bethmage was remanded over the alleged killing of a youth on April 11 though the Police had been initially reluctant to take the politician into custody.
Former Navy Chief Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda revealed that the LTTE had brought arms, ammunition and equipment with the help of Eritrea.
Sri Lanka blocked an Israeli proposal to send a joint UN-WHO team to investigate the conduct of Sri Lankan forces during the final phase of the offensive.
Hot on the heels of Prabhakaran’s killing, President Rajapaksa declared war on waste and corruption though he is yet to take some tangible measures to improve the public sector finances.
The government called on Malaysia to hand over ‘KP’ as the intelligence services stepped up pressure on the Tamil Diaspora to thwart an attempt to name a successor to Prabhakaran.
Army Chief General Sarath Fonseka retired to take over the post of Chief of Defence Staff while Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda assumed the office of the Transport Secretary. The change in the top command and control structure of the Army and Navy facilitated an Opposition move to drag General Fonseka to politics, thereby causing a severe political crisis.
The government requested the ICRC to vacate the East as part of an overall plan to reduce presence of INGOs in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.
The SLAF revealed the dropping of its plans to acquire MiG 29, a fourth generation multi-role fighter now in service in over 30 countries.
The government increased fuel prices with a litre of petrol going up by Rs. 10.
General Fonseka declared that he would not seek a political career. Addressing a packed press conference at the Joint Operations Headquarters, the war veteran said he did not want to lose his popularity within 24 hours.
The government was caught lying about feeding the war displaced on its own. The government was embarrassed by the revelation that the WFP and UN agencies as well as many other donors contributed heavily to a programme aimed at providing basic food items to some 300,000 people.
The government offered a general amnesty to military deserters.
Versatile teledrama actress Umayangana Wickremasinghe called for police crackdown on local porn after an organised gang released a CD featuring a girl who looked like her baring it all.
The government received the first instalment of $ 2.6 IMF standby facility to the disappointment of the Opposition which campaigned against it.
The Campaign for Free and Fair Elections warned that President Rajapaksa was rapidly moving towards a one-party authoritarian regime. Dr. Nimalka Fernando said that having provincial council polls on a staggered basis was the ruling coalition’s strategy to throttle the Opposition.
The government brought ‘KP’ to Colombo following exhaustive negotiations with a South East Asian country. It marked the beginning of a major operation targeting the Tamil Diaspora in a post-LTTE era, particularly LTTE-owned assets overseas.
The UPFA comfortably secured the Uva province along with the Jaffna Municipal Council while the TNA captured Vavuniya Urban Council.
The Supreme Court paved the way for former Treasury Chief Dr. P. B. Jayasundera to return to office dismissing an earlier SC decision to prevent him from holding pubic office. This followed Jayasundera’s making submissions that the government needed his expertise in a post-LTTE era to handle mega development projects.
WPC Opposition leader Rosy Senanayake defended their decision to tour China with a group of UPFA members at the taxpayers’ expense.
Army Chief Lt. General Jagath Jayasuriya denied British press reports that arms of British origin were used in the battle against the LTTE.
Police commandos shot dead Fajji during a shootout on a roof top in the Maligawatte police area.
Business tycoon Harry Jayawardene said that overseas investors would not be keen to invest in Sri Lanka due to the impact the judiciary could have on what he called business related matters.
The government ordered UNICEF spokesman James Elder to leave for being hostile towards Sri Lanka.
Minister Dallas Alahapperuma accused the Opposition of being part of an international conspiracy to change the Rajapaksa administration. The government clashed with the US and some foreign funded NGOs for targeting Sri Lanka over human rights violations.
SLFP dissident Mangala Samaraweera accused the Rajapaksas of transforming Parliament into "money laundering joint."
The Opposition stepped up pressure on the government with a frontal attack on the Rajapaksas.
The Justice and Law Reforms Ministry announced Raj Rajaratnam, Sri Lanka born US-based investor with significant stakes in several companies here both on his own account and through the Galleon Funds he controls, would contribute $ 1 million to rehabilitate detained LTTE cadres.
The government denied Indian press claims that the Sri Lanka Navy had killed 50 fishermen in two weeks. The government said that this was part of their campaign to cause a rift in Indo-Lanka relations.
India and Sri Lanka conducted a three-day joint naval exercise off Colombo shortly after Sri Lanka was accused of killing 50 Indian fishermen. The joint exercises belied the anti-Lanka propaganda campaign carried out by a section of the Indian press.
In a surprising move, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused Sri Lanka of using rape as a tool in Sri Lanka’s successful war against the LTTE, a charge subsequently retracted by the US. It was one of the most serious charges levelled against the Sri Lankan forces by the international community after the war ended May.
The government denied TNA allegations that it was planning to change the ethnic ratio in the Vanni region.
The UPFA secured the Southern Provincial Council comfortably though it failed to achieve over 80 per cent vote as speculated by UPFA propagandists. Hot on the heels of elections to the SPC, the JVP hinted that it may throw its weight behind the UNP to topple the President by fielding General Fonseka at the presidential election.
Democratic People’s Front leader Mano Ganeshan vowed to quit the UNP-led Opposition Alliance if Fonseka was brought in as the Opposition candidate but quickly pledged his allegiance to the war hero following pressure being exerted on him.
Raj Rajaratnam was arrested by US authorities following a painstaking investigation into his alleged involvement in insider dealing.
The US authorities sought to question Fonseka regarding Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa’s alleged involvement in human rights violations during Eelam War IV. The government thwarted the attempt and facilitated his return to Colombo in the first week of November.
The UNP and JVP trade unions joined hands in an unprecedented show of solidarity to cripple essential services. This signalled the launch of their political alliance against the Rajapaksas now riding high on the armed forces’ triumph over the LTTE though the Opposition wanted to deny the President and the Defence Secretary the credit they deserved for sustaining the offensive amidst tremendous international pressure on the government. Similarly General Fonseka, too, could not be denied the credit for keeping the offensive on track though taking heavy losses on the battlefront. A final victory over the LTTE would not have been possible without the political and military leaderships targeting the LTTE on all fronts. As we enter 2010, the country faced a new challenge though the LTTE could no longer posed a military threat. The bottom line is that a split in the nationalist camp will only benefit the enemy who may not have a military capability but cause political chaos.
www island.lk
by Shamindra Ferdinando
Had anyone felt that the collapse of the LTTE on the banks of the Nanthikadal lagoon in May would facilitate incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s re-election bid two years ahead of the next presidential poll, a split in the Rajapaksa camp could not have come at a worse time.
The unexpected division within the President’s "A’ team with two powerful players, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and former Army Chief General (Rtd) Sarath Fonseka clashing over the events leading to Sri Lanka’s triumph over the LTTE made 2009 an eventful year.
For an Opposition struggling to cope with President Rajapaksa’s growing popularity against the backdrop of finishing off the Tigers regardless of a determined international bid to save Prabhakaran, Fonseka had given hope though beating the incumbent President would be an overwhelming task. The UNP firmly believed that the Rajapaksa administration could not sustain the combined security forces offensive due to economic difficulties worsened by dwindling foreign reserves.
The Opposition also felt that the IMF would turn down Sri Lanka’s call for $1.9 billion standby facility. But to the credit of the Rajapaksa administration, it relentlessly pursued a military option until the Army killed Prabhakaran, along with his family on the banks of Nanthikadal lagoon. President Rajapaksa and Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa strongly opposed international efforts to throw a lifeline to the LTTE by way of restrictions on arms sales to Colombo and a US bid to evacuate the LTTE leadership and a subsequent UN move to remove the top LTTE leadership from the battlefield. Had they succeeded, a Tamil government in exile would be a reality and Colombo could not have done a thing about it.
A dejected UNP had no option but to reach an extraordinary political agreement with the Marxist JVP to take on the government on the pretext of abolishing the executive presidency. The JVP-UNP marriage had the blessings of former President Chandrika Kumaratunga and former Chief Justice Sarath Nanda Silva, bitter critics of the Rajapaksas, though President Rajapaksa remained confident of crushing the Opposition bid.
2009 comes to an end with the Opposition making a last ditch attempt to oust Rajapaksa. Whoever wins the January 26 presidential poll will comfortably take the forthcoming parliamentary polls.
The following is a summary of the main security, political, economic and international developments:
The Army liberated Paranthan, Elephant Pass, Kilinochchi, Pallai, Soranpattu in quick succession close on the heels of veteran political cum defence columnist D.B.S. Jeyaraj’s claim that the 12,000 to 15,000 battle-hardened LTTE cadres remained on the Vanni front. He asserted that the LTTE had the wherewithal to destroy the Army east of the A9. This claim was made in the wake of the LTTE declaration that the liberation of Kilinochchi was only a daydream of President Rajapaksa.
UNP Assistant Secretary Rukman Senanayake hailed battlefield victories while praising the Rajapaksa brothers, Mahinda and Gotabhaya for giving the required leadership. Much to the chagrin of his colleagues, the Kegalle District MP declared that they had met the LTTE military challenge boldly and also successfully executed the war.
Ranil Wickremesinghe accused the government of failing to evacuate soldiers wounded on the Vanni front, a charge denied by the Defence Secretary.
The Sunday Leader editor Lasantha Wickrematunga was killed in broad daylight in Colombo. Wickrematunga, who fearlessly took on the government, was the most prominent journalist to die at the hands of assassins. An armed gang stormed MTV/MBC studio at Pannipitiya. The Opposition accused the government of carrying out both attacks though being denied by the UPFA. But today, the Wickrematunga assassination is an issue at the presidential election with claims and counter claims over the despicable act of killing a journalist.
The government proscribed the LTTE on January 7 as several fighting formation converged on the last LTTE strongholds east of the A9 road. The BBC and several other media institutions continued to attack the government over heavy loss of civilian life on the Vanni (East) front, with special emphasis on an alleged artillery strike on the government hospital at Puthukudiyirippu.
The Navy lost a Fast Attack Craft (FAC) off Mullaitivu in a suicide attack. The January 19 attack was the last suicide attack on the Navy before the war came to an end in May.
The LTTE also thwarted repeated attempts by the UN to evacuate over a dozen Sri Lankan employees trapped in the war zone along with their dependents.
The Defence Secretary ruled out a general amnesty to the LTTE leadership though ordinary cadres could be rehabilitated.
By end January, the total area under LTTE control was reduced to about 400 square km.
On January 25, the Army liberated Mullaitivu on the north-eastern coast following a year-long operation. The 59 Division fought some of the fiercest battles on the Vanni (East) front and paid a heavy price to seize the town, which the Army lost in 1996. The Division crossed Anandakulam and Nagacholai forest reserve to reach the outskirts of Mullaitivu before a daring lagoon-borne assault facilitated the final assault. Following the liberation of Mullaitivu, the then Army Chief Sarath Fonseka declared that 95 per cent of the war was over.
Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee’s sudden visit to Colombo late January fuelled speculation that New Delhi wanted President Rajapaksa to stop the offensive, though the Foreign Ministry emphasised that military action would not be called off.
The Army captured last of the seven LTTE airstrips at north-east of Piramtharukulam in the Puthukudiyirippu area The Army also thwarted an attempt to blast Iranamadu tank bund but the LTTE launched a major counter-offensive targeting the 59 Division. The LTTE caused heavy losses on the Army though it failed to sustain the offensive due to swift counter-attacks by the Army.
Hot on the heels of battlefield victories, the government comfortably won Central and Wayamba Provincial Councils taking all electorates in the two provinces.
The LTTE massacred 21 men, women and children at Kirimetiyaya in the Inginiyagala area.
UNP National List MP K. N. Choksy declared that he would not quit his seat to pave the way for S. B. Dissanayake to re-enter Parliament.
The LTTE carried out its last air attacks on Colombo and Katunayake. The SLAF shot down both aircraft but the Inland Revenue headquarters suffered heavy damage forcing the government to shift offices temporarily.
The government turned down a US offer to evacuate LTTE leadership to facilitate an end to hostilities on the Vanni front. Large groups of civilians fleeing the LTTE sought refuge in the government-held area.
While the Army advanced on the enemy, the government stepped up diplomatic efforts in South East Asia in a bid to arrest Kumaran Padmanathan aka ‘KP’ widely believed to be responsible for running a vast LTTE arms procurement ring.
Navanetham Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Refugees alleged that 2,800 civilians, including children may have been killed and 7,000 wounded since January on the Vanni front. The government vehemently rejected the allegation as the Army stepped-up the offensive.
The government also survived a US-EU spearheaded anti-Sri Lanka Resolution at Human Rights Council sessions in Geneva. It was perhaps Sri Lanka’s greatest diplomatic victory achieved against tremendous odds.
President released Mary Juliet Monica , the wife of Pubic Estate Management and Development Minister Milroy Fernando, sentenced to death by the Colombo High Court on March 2, 2005 for abducting and murdering Charlotte Teresa Fernando, believed to be Milroy’s mistress and her domestic aide Susanhewage Teckla alias Seelawathie. Monika Fernando and 2 foreign women, both over 60 years of age found guilty of heroin smuggling were among 13 women released on March 8 to coincide with the International Women’s Day. Since the introduction of the executive presidency about 100 convicts have received presidential pardon. Among them were Gonawala Sunil and Manohari Daniels by the then Presidents, JRJ and Ranasinghe Premadasa, respectively
Auditor General S. Swarnajothi accused Parliament of failing to act on his findings, particularly in the state financial sector though being submitted late last year. He also said that the Draft National Audit Bill which would strengthen the state audit was still with the Legal Draftsman.
The Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) headed by Vijitha Herath, MP, investigating INGOs and NGOs operating in Sri Lanka revealed PNNOS South Asia paid a group of Sri Lankan journalists to report on ‘conflict issues’
The Ceylinco Group withered under pressure as depositors and investors launched protests. The Ceylinco Success Educational Services Limited, another branch of Lalith Kotelawela’s group hit by deteriorating financial crisis.
The Fort Magistrate sentenced three national athletes, including Prasanna Sampath Amarasekera, a Gold medallist at regional, level and a member of Sri Lanka’s 400 metre relay team to the Olympics to one year rigorous imprisonment suspended for 10 years and fined them Rs. 100,000 each on their pleading guilty to human trafficking charge.
The Army encircled and annihilated a large LTTE fighting formation east of Puthukudirippu in the first week of April as the LTTE rapidly retreated towards the seaside. The 72-hour battle saw, the Army recovering about 420 bodies, including senior commanders, who had been at the forefront of the LTTE over the past decade. It was the single biggest blow suffered by the LTTE in the entire war. As the LTTE defences collapsed, the number of civilians fleeing in boats increased with the Navy rescuing thousands of men, women and children. With time running out for Prabhakaran, the UK called for a two-day suspension of military operations to evacuate civilians. After rejecting the British call, the government authorised the Army to pierce the last LTTE defences to rescue the civilians. The Colombo-based diplomats were given an opportunity to observe the rapid progress made on the ground.
The President visited Kilinochchi for a first hand briefing as the Army went ahead with operations with the UN making a last minute bid to arrange a meeting between UN representatives and the top LTTE leadership. The government rejected the UN call while emphasising that the LTTE leadership would not be allowed to surrender to a third party whatever the pressure brought on the government.
Amidst bloody battles on the Vanni front, the government bagged the Western Provincial Council with Prasanna Ranatunga succeeding Reginald Cooray as the Chief Minister of the council.
In late April, the government ruled out talks with defeated Tigers as the President signalled that a presidential election could be favourable to him. What he never believed was one of the top players switching allegiance to the Opposition to challenge him.
The Army recovered Prabhakaran’s body on the banks of the Nanthikadal lagoon. The recovery of his body triggered celebrations in Colombo and its suburbs and in many other parts of the country. The Army killed several hundred LTTE cadres in battles after thwarting a last ditch attempt by them to reach Mullaitivu jungles. The SLAF flew Vinayagamoorthy Muralidharan alias Karuna, now a Minister and Vice President of the SLFP to recognise the body of Prabhakaran. The ICRC revealed that the LTTE made a bid to surrender to the Army through the ICRC though nothing materialised.
The Attanagalle Magistrate remanded JVP MP Piyasiri Wijenayake over the killing of JVP activist Nandana Ballaga in the run up to elections to the WPC. UPFA MP Sarana Gunawardena was also remanded over the alleged abduction of the son of a supporter after he switched his allegiance to Prasanna Ranatunga.
WPC member Hector Bethmage was remanded over the alleged killing of a youth on April 11 though the Police had been initially reluctant to take the politician into custody.
Former Navy Chief Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda revealed that the LTTE had brought arms, ammunition and equipment with the help of Eritrea.
Sri Lanka blocked an Israeli proposal to send a joint UN-WHO team to investigate the conduct of Sri Lankan forces during the final phase of the offensive.
Hot on the heels of Prabhakaran’s killing, President Rajapaksa declared war on waste and corruption though he is yet to take some tangible measures to improve the public sector finances.
The government called on Malaysia to hand over ‘KP’ as the intelligence services stepped up pressure on the Tamil Diaspora to thwart an attempt to name a successor to Prabhakaran.
Army Chief General Sarath Fonseka retired to take over the post of Chief of Defence Staff while Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda assumed the office of the Transport Secretary. The change in the top command and control structure of the Army and Navy facilitated an Opposition move to drag General Fonseka to politics, thereby causing a severe political crisis.
The government requested the ICRC to vacate the East as part of an overall plan to reduce presence of INGOs in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.
The SLAF revealed the dropping of its plans to acquire MiG 29, a fourth generation multi-role fighter now in service in over 30 countries.
The government increased fuel prices with a litre of petrol going up by Rs. 10.
General Fonseka declared that he would not seek a political career. Addressing a packed press conference at the Joint Operations Headquarters, the war veteran said he did not want to lose his popularity within 24 hours.
The government was caught lying about feeding the war displaced on its own. The government was embarrassed by the revelation that the WFP and UN agencies as well as many other donors contributed heavily to a programme aimed at providing basic food items to some 300,000 people.
The government offered a general amnesty to military deserters.
Versatile teledrama actress Umayangana Wickremasinghe called for police crackdown on local porn after an organised gang released a CD featuring a girl who looked like her baring it all.
The government received the first instalment of $ 2.6 IMF standby facility to the disappointment of the Opposition which campaigned against it.
The Campaign for Free and Fair Elections warned that President Rajapaksa was rapidly moving towards a one-party authoritarian regime. Dr. Nimalka Fernando said that having provincial council polls on a staggered basis was the ruling coalition’s strategy to throttle the Opposition.
The government brought ‘KP’ to Colombo following exhaustive negotiations with a South East Asian country. It marked the beginning of a major operation targeting the Tamil Diaspora in a post-LTTE era, particularly LTTE-owned assets overseas.
The UPFA comfortably secured the Uva province along with the Jaffna Municipal Council while the TNA captured Vavuniya Urban Council.
The Supreme Court paved the way for former Treasury Chief Dr. P. B. Jayasundera to return to office dismissing an earlier SC decision to prevent him from holding pubic office. This followed Jayasundera’s making submissions that the government needed his expertise in a post-LTTE era to handle mega development projects.
WPC Opposition leader Rosy Senanayake defended their decision to tour China with a group of UPFA members at the taxpayers’ expense.
Army Chief Lt. General Jagath Jayasuriya denied British press reports that arms of British origin were used in the battle against the LTTE.
Police commandos shot dead Fajji during a shootout on a roof top in the Maligawatte police area.
Business tycoon Harry Jayawardene said that overseas investors would not be keen to invest in Sri Lanka due to the impact the judiciary could have on what he called business related matters.
The government ordered UNICEF spokesman James Elder to leave for being hostile towards Sri Lanka.
Minister Dallas Alahapperuma accused the Opposition of being part of an international conspiracy to change the Rajapaksa administration. The government clashed with the US and some foreign funded NGOs for targeting Sri Lanka over human rights violations.
SLFP dissident Mangala Samaraweera accused the Rajapaksas of transforming Parliament into "money laundering joint."
The Opposition stepped up pressure on the government with a frontal attack on the Rajapaksas.
The Justice and Law Reforms Ministry announced Raj Rajaratnam, Sri Lanka born US-based investor with significant stakes in several companies here both on his own account and through the Galleon Funds he controls, would contribute $ 1 million to rehabilitate detained LTTE cadres.
The government denied Indian press claims that the Sri Lanka Navy had killed 50 fishermen in two weeks. The government said that this was part of their campaign to cause a rift in Indo-Lanka relations.
India and Sri Lanka conducted a three-day joint naval exercise off Colombo shortly after Sri Lanka was accused of killing 50 Indian fishermen. The joint exercises belied the anti-Lanka propaganda campaign carried out by a section of the Indian press.
In a surprising move, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused Sri Lanka of using rape as a tool in Sri Lanka’s successful war against the LTTE, a charge subsequently retracted by the US. It was one of the most serious charges levelled against the Sri Lankan forces by the international community after the war ended May.
The government denied TNA allegations that it was planning to change the ethnic ratio in the Vanni region.
The UPFA secured the Southern Provincial Council comfortably though it failed to achieve over 80 per cent vote as speculated by UPFA propagandists. Hot on the heels of elections to the SPC, the JVP hinted that it may throw its weight behind the UNP to topple the President by fielding General Fonseka at the presidential election.
Democratic People’s Front leader Mano Ganeshan vowed to quit the UNP-led Opposition Alliance if Fonseka was brought in as the Opposition candidate but quickly pledged his allegiance to the war hero following pressure being exerted on him.
Raj Rajaratnam was arrested by US authorities following a painstaking investigation into his alleged involvement in insider dealing.
The US authorities sought to question Fonseka regarding Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa’s alleged involvement in human rights violations during Eelam War IV. The government thwarted the attempt and facilitated his return to Colombo in the first week of November.
The UNP and JVP trade unions joined hands in an unprecedented show of solidarity to cripple essential services. This signalled the launch of their political alliance against the Rajapaksas now riding high on the armed forces’ triumph over the LTTE though the Opposition wanted to deny the President and the Defence Secretary the credit they deserved for sustaining the offensive amidst tremendous international pressure on the government. Similarly General Fonseka, too, could not be denied the credit for keeping the offensive on track though taking heavy losses on the battlefront. A final victory over the LTTE would not have been possible without the political and military leaderships targeting the LTTE on all fronts. As we enter 2010, the country faced a new challenge though the LTTE could no longer posed a military threat. The bottom line is that a split in the nationalist camp will only benefit the enemy who may not have a military capability but cause political chaos.
www island.lk
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Common Left Manifesto for Freedom, Democracy and Self-Rule! WE ALL SUPPORT DR.BAHU, NSSP...!!!
Common Left Manifesto for Freedom, Democracy and Self-Rule:
Presented for the 2010 Presidential Election:
Beloved People of Lanka
Let us not be pawns in the deadly game of chess played by the
two equally blood-drenched, chauvinist representative of
Global Capitalism:
So, once again, at the cost of some Rs 12 billion of public funds, we have to face a Presidential
election. Two equally bloody, corrupt and parasitic Capitalist Alliances have come forward for
the contest, represented by Mahinda Rajapakse and Sarath Fonseka. This Presidential campaign is
going to be a bitter and deadly fight between two equally reactionary camps of the ruling class as
to who is going to feast on the blood of the Tamil nation, and that of the proletariat and all
exploited and all oppressed classes and nationalities and communities, and exercise chauvinist
oppressive dictatorship over the people. Let us not become mere pawns in a deadly game of chess
played by two rival camps of the very same Capitalist ruling class. Let us hold this State and this
ruling class accountable for the crimes willfully committed against the people and against
humanity. Let us do so as a basis to mobilize mass protest and agitation against the prevailing
Capitalist political order which represents the interests of global Capitalism, by building
resistance and revolutionary struggle to defeat the militarist-chauvinist agenda represented by
both ruling class candidates.
Freedom for all Detainees corralled in Concentration Camps
and Political Prisoners: Rescind Emergency Regulations, The
Prevention of Terrorism Act and all Draconian Legislation:
Dismantle the Unitary State: Self Rule to all Nationalities:
The continued incarceration of some 200,000 internally displaced Tamil persons in concentration
camps in the North, including elderly, children, wounded, sick and pregnant women, under pitiful
sub-human conditions, is a damned indictment of the prevailing neo-colonial Capitalist State and
political order. Along with the gross criminal violations of human rights committed during the
war, these violations constitute continued crimes against humanity. Who is to be held accountable
for the horrible massacre of seventeen humanitarian aid workers, the murder of five Tamil
students, the assassination of Hon. Joseph Pararajasingham, Hon Raviraj, Mr. Lasantha
Wickrematunga and others? Along with these abominable crimes, is the crime of keeping some
12,000 political prisoners in various detention camps and prisons, against whom no legal charges
have been filed. Some have languished in these dungeons for over a decade. In this context of the
willful defiling of our collective dignity and humanity, we demand the immediate and
unconditional release of all detainees and political prisoners. Until such time that these internally
displaced detainees are released, their supervision and management should be undertaken by their
own representatives. In order that they may be resettled in the original areas of habitation and
enjoy the right to life, the military regime in these areas, along with all high security zones,
should be dismantled, and the armed forces withdrawn. We demand that Emergency Regulations
and the Prevention of Terrorism Act and all such draconian fascist legislation be rescinded. We
demand the dismantling of the Sinhala supremacist Comprador Capitalist state, which functions
as an agent of Global Capital, as a basis for granting the democratic freedom of the exploited
and oppressed masses, including the right of national self-determination of the Tamil nation
cohabiting in the North-East so it may enjoy its right to live with dignity, equality, autonomy,
security and democratic freedom, equally with that of the Hill Country Malayaga Tamil
nationality, the Moslem nationality and all other ethnic-religious communities.
Abolition of the Executive Presidency: End to the pillage of
National Capital and the plunder of Natural Resources and
violation of People’s Sovereignty: For a State that respects
People’s Sovereignty based on Sharing power on the Principle
of Self-Rule:
Former president J R Jayewardene brought in the executive presidency to serve a particular
agenda. The open economic policy needed such a strong political head. If the Multi National
Corporation (MNC) system is to come in and play the important central role expected of them, it
was necessary to give all the facilities requested by them. Thus it was introduced as an instrument
to support the MNC system. When they need any agreement either economic or security or any
other it will be easy to go through an executive head, with the ministries of Defense and Finance
than through parliament with all the obstacles of transparency and criticism. Information will be
confined to secretaries and advisers to the president and decisions can be arrived at, without
delay. So it was brought in to facilitate international moneylenders and plunderers of global
capitalism. Global capitalism is the modern version of imperialism. It integrates the entire MNC
system with the IMF, WB and the WTO as management organs. We explained all that in 1978
Feb. 4 and Bahu was locked up in prison for that. Now everyone is clamoring for the removal of
this tree of vultures, but once they get elected they hold on to it not necessarily due to the greed
for power, but because of international pressure of the global masters.
Replace the Strategies of Global Capitalism that brings
destruction to domestic production of food and commodities,
and unemployment, poverty and disease, with a humancentered,
ecologically sustainable Path of Development.
Today, the global capitalist system is in disarray facing an acute economic crisis. All attempts to
put the system into order have not been sufficient so far. Still to come is a food crisis that could
put a large part of humanity into hunger and death. There is an energy crisis and a threat to the
global environment so it is vital for us to seriously consider developing our food production,
particularly paddy, fish and milk. If we do not turn towards a nature oriented, environmentalist
approach we may be too late. In every continent, people’s forces are rising up in resistance and
revolution against the system desiring freedom, democracy and self-rule. We too must honor our
proletarian internationalist responsibilities. In this decisive conjuncture, let us join forces with the
people of the world and rise to the stage of history.
In the past three decades, the so-called development projects were responsible for the
insurrections both in Sinhala and Tamil rural areas. Because it created poverty and alienation
while rich became richer. While local industrialist and producer were marginalized a large section
of the population was thrown out as human dust unconnected to the system. The plight of women
and children, particularly in slums and in rural areas became most miserable. Patriarchy
combined with militarization and the rise of under world reduced most women to the level of
domestic slaves. Struggle of youth and the proletariat was used to intensify the repression in all
sectors. The media repression was so bad many media people ran away from the country to
escape death. But the world tendency is against this global system working on the imperative of
super profit. The global capitalist system based on unbridled search of super profit should be
displaced. This should be done on the basis of giving priority to meeting the basic needs of the
people through a system of collective property shared by workers ,peasants and all oppressed
people, where their revolutionary unity, solidarity and liberation shall be secured. Here, we
should address the needs and aspirations of progressive forces who find inspiration and
sustenance from the Tri-Pitakaya, Bhagwath Gita, the Bible and the Quran.
Freedom from Poverty, Indebtedness, Unemployment,
Degradation: End to Corruption, Fraud, Plunder of Resources and
National Capital: Basic Daily Wage of Rsw 500/=. Minimum
Monthly Salary of Rs. 15,000/=, A Vocation and Livelihood for
While denying the vast majority of toiling, suffering people of their right to a life free of poverty,
indebtedness, misery and degradation, the ruling class used the open economy to amass vast
fortunes, build empires of private profit and plunder, and to waste public funds, through naked
corruption. The Collective Agreement relating to the Plantation workers, which has split the
workers movement and betrayed their interests, is a good example of bondages crated. It should
be torn up. A minimum basic daily wage of Rs 500 for all plantation workers with the minimum
wage in all sectors at Rs15000 per month should be established with an increase in wages/salaries
of all government and private sector workers in accordance with the present Cost of Living Index.
The just grievances of workers, graduates and students should be addressed democratically and
with justice, as opposed to erecting barricades, baton charging, showering tear gas, arresting and
violently suppressing their human and democratic rights. This regime is on trial for unleashing
the very same armed forces that brutally decimated the Tamil uprising and its leadership, against
the predominantly Sinhala workers, students, graduates and other oppressed masses. So much for
the ‘patriotism’ of these chauvinist candidates.
Towards a World without Domination, Exploitation,
Repression and War!
How can there be democracy in a land, which is kept divided by nationality and religion? Even
now, the two agents of the global system Mahinda and Sarath, clamor for democracy without any
hint of pulling the masses together in national unity.
Both worked together to crush the Tamil uprising that was waged ferociously to defend the
autonomy of their people. Both were singing and dancing with their masters about the victory
until the workers started the battle in the work places.
The strikes pushed them in to a fresh debate and they emerged as a two headed serpent to face the
people. Yes, we lost in both insurrections but we beat them back in the trade union battle. Now
they have come out in a presidential election united in policy but divided in camouflage. Let us
get together and give a real blow to both of them, and move forward for a united Lanka to face
the dictates of global capital. Let us build the strength to raise our vision of a world without
domination, exploitation, oppression and WAR! Let us unite our forces across divided
boundaries. Let us march forward towards a people’s democratic state governed by People’s
Assemblies representing the workers, peasants and all oppressed classes, nationalities and
communities. This shall embody the unity and solidarity of- North-East-South-and Hill Country
in the form of a People’s Republic of Lanka that shall enshrine Freedom and Democracy.
Rev. Yohan Devananda
Linus Jayathilake - Left Front:
Surendra Ajith Rupasinghe - Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist)
Chandrapala Kumarage(Attoney at law)- Sama Samaja Alternative
Sajith Sri Lakmal - United Workers Party
Presented for the 2010 Presidential Election:
Beloved People of Lanka
Let us not be pawns in the deadly game of chess played by the
two equally blood-drenched, chauvinist representative of
Global Capitalism:
So, once again, at the cost of some Rs 12 billion of public funds, we have to face a Presidential
election. Two equally bloody, corrupt and parasitic Capitalist Alliances have come forward for
the contest, represented by Mahinda Rajapakse and Sarath Fonseka. This Presidential campaign is
going to be a bitter and deadly fight between two equally reactionary camps of the ruling class as
to who is going to feast on the blood of the Tamil nation, and that of the proletariat and all
exploited and all oppressed classes and nationalities and communities, and exercise chauvinist
oppressive dictatorship over the people. Let us not become mere pawns in a deadly game of chess
played by two rival camps of the very same Capitalist ruling class. Let us hold this State and this
ruling class accountable for the crimes willfully committed against the people and against
humanity. Let us do so as a basis to mobilize mass protest and agitation against the prevailing
Capitalist political order which represents the interests of global Capitalism, by building
resistance and revolutionary struggle to defeat the militarist-chauvinist agenda represented by
both ruling class candidates.
Freedom for all Detainees corralled in Concentration Camps
and Political Prisoners: Rescind Emergency Regulations, The
Prevention of Terrorism Act and all Draconian Legislation:
Dismantle the Unitary State: Self Rule to all Nationalities:
The continued incarceration of some 200,000 internally displaced Tamil persons in concentration
camps in the North, including elderly, children, wounded, sick and pregnant women, under pitiful
sub-human conditions, is a damned indictment of the prevailing neo-colonial Capitalist State and
political order. Along with the gross criminal violations of human rights committed during the
war, these violations constitute continued crimes against humanity. Who is to be held accountable
for the horrible massacre of seventeen humanitarian aid workers, the murder of five Tamil
students, the assassination of Hon. Joseph Pararajasingham, Hon Raviraj, Mr. Lasantha
Wickrematunga and others? Along with these abominable crimes, is the crime of keeping some
12,000 political prisoners in various detention camps and prisons, against whom no legal charges
have been filed. Some have languished in these dungeons for over a decade. In this context of the
willful defiling of our collective dignity and humanity, we demand the immediate and
unconditional release of all detainees and political prisoners. Until such time that these internally
displaced detainees are released, their supervision and management should be undertaken by their
own representatives. In order that they may be resettled in the original areas of habitation and
enjoy the right to life, the military regime in these areas, along with all high security zones,
should be dismantled, and the armed forces withdrawn. We demand that Emergency Regulations
and the Prevention of Terrorism Act and all such draconian fascist legislation be rescinded. We
demand the dismantling of the Sinhala supremacist Comprador Capitalist state, which functions
as an agent of Global Capital, as a basis for granting the democratic freedom of the exploited
and oppressed masses, including the right of national self-determination of the Tamil nation
cohabiting in the North-East so it may enjoy its right to live with dignity, equality, autonomy,
security and democratic freedom, equally with that of the Hill Country Malayaga Tamil
nationality, the Moslem nationality and all other ethnic-religious communities.
Abolition of the Executive Presidency: End to the pillage of
National Capital and the plunder of Natural Resources and
violation of People’s Sovereignty: For a State that respects
People’s Sovereignty based on Sharing power on the Principle
of Self-Rule:
Former president J R Jayewardene brought in the executive presidency to serve a particular
agenda. The open economic policy needed such a strong political head. If the Multi National
Corporation (MNC) system is to come in and play the important central role expected of them, it
was necessary to give all the facilities requested by them. Thus it was introduced as an instrument
to support the MNC system. When they need any agreement either economic or security or any
other it will be easy to go through an executive head, with the ministries of Defense and Finance
than through parliament with all the obstacles of transparency and criticism. Information will be
confined to secretaries and advisers to the president and decisions can be arrived at, without
delay. So it was brought in to facilitate international moneylenders and plunderers of global
capitalism. Global capitalism is the modern version of imperialism. It integrates the entire MNC
system with the IMF, WB and the WTO as management organs. We explained all that in 1978
Feb. 4 and Bahu was locked up in prison for that. Now everyone is clamoring for the removal of
this tree of vultures, but once they get elected they hold on to it not necessarily due to the greed
for power, but because of international pressure of the global masters.
Replace the Strategies of Global Capitalism that brings
destruction to domestic production of food and commodities,
and unemployment, poverty and disease, with a humancentered,
ecologically sustainable Path of Development.
Today, the global capitalist system is in disarray facing an acute economic crisis. All attempts to
put the system into order have not been sufficient so far. Still to come is a food crisis that could
put a large part of humanity into hunger and death. There is an energy crisis and a threat to the
global environment so it is vital for us to seriously consider developing our food production,
particularly paddy, fish and milk. If we do not turn towards a nature oriented, environmentalist
approach we may be too late. In every continent, people’s forces are rising up in resistance and
revolution against the system desiring freedom, democracy and self-rule. We too must honor our
proletarian internationalist responsibilities. In this decisive conjuncture, let us join forces with the
people of the world and rise to the stage of history.
In the past three decades, the so-called development projects were responsible for the
insurrections both in Sinhala and Tamil rural areas. Because it created poverty and alienation
while rich became richer. While local industrialist and producer were marginalized a large section
of the population was thrown out as human dust unconnected to the system. The plight of women
and children, particularly in slums and in rural areas became most miserable. Patriarchy
combined with militarization and the rise of under world reduced most women to the level of
domestic slaves. Struggle of youth and the proletariat was used to intensify the repression in all
sectors. The media repression was so bad many media people ran away from the country to
escape death. But the world tendency is against this global system working on the imperative of
super profit. The global capitalist system based on unbridled search of super profit should be
displaced. This should be done on the basis of giving priority to meeting the basic needs of the
people through a system of collective property shared by workers ,peasants and all oppressed
people, where their revolutionary unity, solidarity and liberation shall be secured. Here, we
should address the needs and aspirations of progressive forces who find inspiration and
sustenance from the Tri-Pitakaya, Bhagwath Gita, the Bible and the Quran.
Freedom from Poverty, Indebtedness, Unemployment,
Degradation: End to Corruption, Fraud, Plunder of Resources and
National Capital: Basic Daily Wage of Rsw 500/=. Minimum
Monthly Salary of Rs. 15,000/=, A Vocation and Livelihood for
While denying the vast majority of toiling, suffering people of their right to a life free of poverty,
indebtedness, misery and degradation, the ruling class used the open economy to amass vast
fortunes, build empires of private profit and plunder, and to waste public funds, through naked
corruption. The Collective Agreement relating to the Plantation workers, which has split the
workers movement and betrayed their interests, is a good example of bondages crated. It should
be torn up. A minimum basic daily wage of Rs 500 for all plantation workers with the minimum
wage in all sectors at Rs15000 per month should be established with an increase in wages/salaries
of all government and private sector workers in accordance with the present Cost of Living Index.
The just grievances of workers, graduates and students should be addressed democratically and
with justice, as opposed to erecting barricades, baton charging, showering tear gas, arresting and
violently suppressing their human and democratic rights. This regime is on trial for unleashing
the very same armed forces that brutally decimated the Tamil uprising and its leadership, against
the predominantly Sinhala workers, students, graduates and other oppressed masses. So much for
the ‘patriotism’ of these chauvinist candidates.
Towards a World without Domination, Exploitation,
Repression and War!
How can there be democracy in a land, which is kept divided by nationality and religion? Even
now, the two agents of the global system Mahinda and Sarath, clamor for democracy without any
hint of pulling the masses together in national unity.
Both worked together to crush the Tamil uprising that was waged ferociously to defend the
autonomy of their people. Both were singing and dancing with their masters about the victory
until the workers started the battle in the work places.
The strikes pushed them in to a fresh debate and they emerged as a two headed serpent to face the
people. Yes, we lost in both insurrections but we beat them back in the trade union battle. Now
they have come out in a presidential election united in policy but divided in camouflage. Let us
get together and give a real blow to both of them, and move forward for a united Lanka to face
the dictates of global capital. Let us build the strength to raise our vision of a world without
domination, exploitation, oppression and WAR! Let us unite our forces across divided
boundaries. Let us march forward towards a people’s democratic state governed by People’s
Assemblies representing the workers, peasants and all oppressed classes, nationalities and
communities. This shall embody the unity and solidarity of- North-East-South-and Hill Country
in the form of a People’s Republic of Lanka that shall enshrine Freedom and Democracy.
Rev. Yohan Devananda
Linus Jayathilake - Left Front:
Surendra Ajith Rupasinghe - Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist)
Chandrapala Kumarage(Attoney at law)- Sama Samaja Alternative
Sajith Sri Lakmal - United Workers Party
With his sheer arrogance, ruthless maneuverings and his imprudent conduct towards the media and the democratic voices, GR acclaimed his status....!!!
Influence of Tamil Nadu in India’s Sri Lanka policy
The merciless Rajapaksha regime must find its way out
Monday, December 28, 2009 Leave a Comment
“Sri Lanka failed to produce a statesman. All those ruled us were constrained stocks and worse is the present regime of Mahendra Percy Rajapakse-an idiosyncratic nasty regime that is surviving on the sufferings of the people.”
By Nilantha Ilangamuwa
(December 29, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksha is a fundamental rights violator. Being one time in the military service, he should have known the implications of violating the military, humanitarian and the international rules and laws in any military engagements. His conduct has surpassed the behaviour of his predecessor, the self professed General Anuruddha Ratwatte of the former President Chandrika Kumaratunga’s regime to make political statements to hurt the most vulnerable people in our island nation.
Bestowed with unquestionable political and military decision making powers, arrogated from his dear brother the President Mahinda Rajapaksha, Gotabaya is one those who is not only determining the failing path of Sri Lanka but also the unpredictable future of his brother and his family’s political fortunes. Since May 2009, he has made many pronouncements about his military victory against the LTTE. For political expediency and to undermine the military leadership, he says war victory was his own making. In this, he says the former chief’s of forces were his own creation and no one could have won the war if his leadership was not there.
For more than a decade, the Defence Secretary Lt. Col. Gotabhaya never stepped on his motherland and was away from the battlefield. Following the election of Mahinda Rajapaksha as President, the unknown Gotabhaya was brought into the scene. With his sheer arrogance, ruthless maneuverings and his imprudent conduct towards the media and the democratic voices, Gotabhaya acclaimed his status on aspects of the dirty war against the LTTE on behalf of the President. How can a retired Lt Col. could solely take credit for the outright victory against the LTTE, thus undermining the military hierarchy that had on the ground level made meticulous preparations and enormous sacrifices to achieve the much wanted success.
Like the former President Chandrika Bandaranaike’s uncle Anuruddha Ratwatte, who was acting as Defence Secretary during her term, Gotabaya too is trying to score political points on the military victory. Unlike the ruthless Anuruddha, Gotabya has gone all out to demean the military leadership and its achievements.
There are similarities in both their ego missions. The non combatant Anuruddha promoted him with the help of his President Sister to be called the General, whilst Gota with the sheer manipulation of a University got an honorary doctorate title for defeating the LTTE recently. At least the self proclaimed General Ratwatte was much seen in the battle front overseeing some of the operations, but the hot headed Gota limited his activities in an unscrupulous manner to develop a clandestine secret military machinery to throttle the very basic functioning of the civil society.
It is claimed Gotabhaya is a vegetarian and also a non-smoker. This claim again is said to be of his making for his silly political point scoring. Having presided over the secret mission of the Defence establishment to ruthlessly end the lives of many in connivance with the murderous underworld, Gota could have only given the leadership to create an atmosphere of fear amongst the nation’s people. No one was able to raise their voice and tell the truth. The secret white van missions and motorbike riding hit men were the real mechanisms that silenced the people. These were the heinous criminal products of Gota in his war effort. Following their master’s orders to bestow the ultimate penalties on the civilian society to suppress their voices, was the order of the day. The clandestine military mechanism worked very well when high technology telephone tapping became the backbone of the Gota’s drive to eliminate the dissenting voices.
Having enjoyed the ruthlessness, Gota’s ego centric mentality became his power crazy psyche. Following the defeat of the LTTE, he could not blame everything on the Tigers and now is playing his downright ruffian political game to impose a sense of fear among the people that he is the master brain of the victorious Sri Lanka against the LTTE.
What he failed to understand was that the forces have gone through a 30 year history, battling with the LTTE and the LTTE was progressing without new options or adventurisms. The victory bell was ringing well before Mahinda was elected as President. The military was able to pull through with a masterly military plan with sheer dedication of our valiant soldiers and their commanding officers. The dedication and the sacrifices that followed are now being capitalized for political point scoring by Gotabaya.
The final battle against the LTTE was victorious because there was absolute unity amongst the forces and they had the people and the media support, instead only of the political direction of Rajapakse family. One must realise the odds were absolutely against the LTTE as its arrogance diminished its credibility and authority as a group that could spearhead an armed struggle any longer. On the scale of diminishing returns, for the LTTE, its decision to go for peace agreement with the UNP; foolish way path of boycotting the 2005 Presidential election to teach a lesson to Ranil Wickramasinghe and then it’s unilateral engagement to initiate a war against the forces under the pretext of peoples force were the underlying self defeating causes of its making that ultimately destroyed its military mission.
I would like to highlight two violations involving the pseudo non-violent and vegetarian Buddhist Goatabhaya when he was serving as Lt Col in the Army. In one of his recent private TV interview, the Former army commander General Sarath Fonseka had said that Gotabhaya and his four fans together assaulted unto death a soldier attached to the Sinha Regiment in the Minneriya Forest. After this very serious incident, he was hiding somewhere in Nugegoda in the outskirts of Colombo to escape from some army officials who wanted to teach Gotabhaya a lesson. His hide and seek game with the help of the underworld had helped him not incurring any harm.
The second incident is narrated in a police report of a relative of a victim who was killed during the JVP’s second insurrection in the late 1980’s. The report states, Gotabhaya was in-charge to one of the detention camps in Matale, where hundreds of youths belonging to the JVP and some innocent school children were massacred.
These two incidents are fair account to understand the vegetarian mindset of Gotabhaya and how he did impose his non-violent Buddhist policy in to violence, when he was serving in the Sri Lankan army. Unfortunately, all these ruthless murders are now swept under the carpet and now Gotabhaya returned to Sri Lanka from exile like a piri sudhu mahattaya to continue with his gangster methodology to suppress the civilian society. Gotabhaya is none other than a war criminal and now tries to stand on moral high grounds to portray him as the father of all the victories in Sri Lanka.
I am not saying that he did nothing. My argument is that he did some thing but comparatively little to the sacrifices and committed contributions of many others to defeat the LTTE. Gotabhaya is not the sole author of the victory. What he is doing is to exploit the sacrifices of the real hero’s of the war and paint a wrong picture about the historical victory.
Gota’s gangland theory cannot be applied to a professional military mission. He had proved himself as a crucifying victor against the democratic voices and those dead and buried together with imprisoned persons are testimonies that is expected to be kept under the wrap for a foreseeable future unless a pragmatic and a down to earth leader is installed to the helm to reveal them.
There is nothing wrong in saying that the entire family of Rajapakshas are crooked. They are comparable to the Rumanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu’s rule.
Worshiping the Buddha status and his other murderous mission to eliminate the opposition must be carefully considered. Mahinda/Basail/Gota management of the government has caused so much harm to the nation that even the genuine achievement of the people and the forces cannot be celebrated with all honesty.
They in the first place stole the credibility of the SLFP and now they have turned into a big time mafia and steeling every good thing’s of the Tamil Tiger rebels without the knowledge of the people. These three discredits are now on the march to steel even the sole achievement of the Army.
Rajapaksha’s are thinking that they can stay in power while keep on talking about the victory of the War and also by mudslinging against the opponents. They are attempting to move forward in their psychopathic path and the poor and innocent people are getting entrapped in this brute maneuverings. Instead of competing in a free and fair society, Rajapakse’s are attempting to thrive on the goon culture and in the culture of fear and intimidation.
In their book, Alezander and Margrete Mitscherlich , has pointed out, “ Painful experiences and guilty set in train no progress in the maturation of the ego, do not mobilize the capacity to maintain critical thought under the pressure of guilty, to tolerate disappointments about one’s own behavior, and the like. Instead, the energy of the ego is wasted on warding off the return of the repressed. The ego protects itself with memory gaps, and remains by and large as it was. It thus falls behind. It loses the ability freely to face the past.” (quoted - ‘Inability to Mourn –page – 106) Present situation of the family rule of Rajapaksha’s is similar. Rajapaksha has failed to find a political solution and address the core issues like educations, health and transport etc. They have only fattened their Swiss accounts to settle peacefully in the Chinese, Pakistani, Russian, Iranian or Myanmar regimes following the political reversal they are destined to be rewarded by the people.
Fortunately the Rajapaksha’s power crave came for testing few months ago and there is now an opposition-party alternative to back a non-party candidate. This is a major turning point in the history of Sri Lankan to prevent another Nicolae Ceauşescu regime being permanently installed through democratic means in the country. Defeat of cronyism and rise of General Sarath Fonseka is a must and an able and practical leader to govern the country and to redeem it from the slumber is the urgent need a leader like Sarath could deliver. His election will be a revolution the country ever experienced and his military achievements can be consolidated to create a fair and just society in Sri Lanka for all the nation’s people to breathe the fresh air of freedom they are yeaning for.
Moses was eventually told by God to free the Jews and Moses spoke on God's behalf and used God's powers to try and convince the Pharaoh to let the Jews go free. When he refused, seven curses were released that devastated Egypt and forced the Pharaoh to let the Jews go. As they were leaving, the Egyptian army was sent after them to slaughter them in revenge for the plagues that had been released on Egypt. Trapped between the army and the Red Sea (which was probably a mistranslation of a now dried u marsh, not the actual red sea) Moses asked God to help him escape and with God's power, Moses parted the waters of the sea to allow the Jews to escape to the Sinai. The army tried to follow, but the waters returned when the soldiers were in the middle of the marsh/sea and they all drowned. 20 years and about 100 miles later (I don't know why it could possibly take that long) the Jews reached Palestine, and would eventually destroy the native populations there and replace them.
Sri Lanka failed to produce a statesman. All those ruled us were constrained stocks and worse is the present regime of Mahendra Percy Rajapakse-an idiosyncratic nasty regime that is surviving on the sufferings of the people.
Sri Lanka is yearning with hope to bury the past of hate mongering politics and the victory maker of the war is the only hope the people have, to attain the much needed good governance Sri Lanka honestly need in this ever degrading standard of ruling.
(The writer can be reached at ilangamuwa@gmail.com )
Nathan said:
Vanni is another Herosima, distroyer by Cluster,chemical & pospharus bombs, ground full of tamils burried alive. The real fact is that all this distruction carried out by indian and chinese opperators.
December 28, 2009 12:33 PM .sampath said:
It appears thet you are in league with Ranil, Ravi karunanayake and mangal who did their level best oto stop ltte being defeated, and rediculed and belittled armed forces in the midst of the war. You seem very disappointed that the country is now united and jhad stood firm against the western countries hellbent on destabilising the country.
December 28, 2009 2:34 PM .Wasantha said:
What a tragedy! I agree, we have failed to produce a statesman but have produced too many arseholes. It is because Rajapakse brothers we are able to keep our heads up as a nation.
December 28, 2009 6:48 PM .molinaux said:
Around this time the maggots start creeping through the rotten wood. the above hate filled statements of the writer is not warranted after a three decade old war has been brought to an end. It is only now that these so called human rightist are making claims of inhuman tactics on the war front. Some pay lip service not even knowing facts on the subject, repeating and endorsing what some one else had sentiment ed.
It is time we as one Nation stand up together without any division in a free and one Nation and show the world that we are together in every way. We should not allow any foreign or local wolf prey on our division.
We love our motherland and we need to show we are true to it.
December 28, 2009 7:03 PM .Vaniasingham said:
Mr. Illangamuwe is a right fit to SF slandering people without facts. All what is presented eloquently are hearsay substance to make his argument. He should right a similar article on SF whose tongue is wagging on the reverse. All those detailed interviews he has given to media and press previously is been twisted by his current utterances. Anyway we respect democracy where people can say anything about other people even when those words are not substantiated.
December 28, 2009 8:24 PM .jayalal said:
The present governmnt should not be alllowed to be in power for the simple reason that they have been showing the signs of reaching dictatorship.This is well understood by none other than JVP and that is why they have gone too far to form an alliance with UNP to defeat the threat by fielding a common candidate.the dictatorship of any governmnet should not be allowed by the people in Sri lanka and should be defeted right away.it is a tragic that most of the ordinary voters are not paying attention to the seriousness of the situation the will have to face with if this government comes to power once again.
December 29, 2009 1:01 AM .jayalal said:
December 29, 2009 1:48 AM
Sri Lanka Guardian (www.srilankaguardian.org)
The merciless Rajapaksha regime must find its way out
Monday, December 28, 2009 Leave a Comment
“Sri Lanka failed to produce a statesman. All those ruled us were constrained stocks and worse is the present regime of Mahendra Percy Rajapakse-an idiosyncratic nasty regime that is surviving on the sufferings of the people.”
By Nilantha Ilangamuwa
(December 29, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksha is a fundamental rights violator. Being one time in the military service, he should have known the implications of violating the military, humanitarian and the international rules and laws in any military engagements. His conduct has surpassed the behaviour of his predecessor, the self professed General Anuruddha Ratwatte of the former President Chandrika Kumaratunga’s regime to make political statements to hurt the most vulnerable people in our island nation.
Bestowed with unquestionable political and military decision making powers, arrogated from his dear brother the President Mahinda Rajapaksha, Gotabaya is one those who is not only determining the failing path of Sri Lanka but also the unpredictable future of his brother and his family’s political fortunes. Since May 2009, he has made many pronouncements about his military victory against the LTTE. For political expediency and to undermine the military leadership, he says war victory was his own making. In this, he says the former chief’s of forces were his own creation and no one could have won the war if his leadership was not there.
For more than a decade, the Defence Secretary Lt. Col. Gotabhaya never stepped on his motherland and was away from the battlefield. Following the election of Mahinda Rajapaksha as President, the unknown Gotabhaya was brought into the scene. With his sheer arrogance, ruthless maneuverings and his imprudent conduct towards the media and the democratic voices, Gotabhaya acclaimed his status on aspects of the dirty war against the LTTE on behalf of the President. How can a retired Lt Col. could solely take credit for the outright victory against the LTTE, thus undermining the military hierarchy that had on the ground level made meticulous preparations and enormous sacrifices to achieve the much wanted success.
Like the former President Chandrika Bandaranaike’s uncle Anuruddha Ratwatte, who was acting as Defence Secretary during her term, Gotabaya too is trying to score political points on the military victory. Unlike the ruthless Anuruddha, Gotabya has gone all out to demean the military leadership and its achievements.
There are similarities in both their ego missions. The non combatant Anuruddha promoted him with the help of his President Sister to be called the General, whilst Gota with the sheer manipulation of a University got an honorary doctorate title for defeating the LTTE recently. At least the self proclaimed General Ratwatte was much seen in the battle front overseeing some of the operations, but the hot headed Gota limited his activities in an unscrupulous manner to develop a clandestine secret military machinery to throttle the very basic functioning of the civil society.
It is claimed Gotabhaya is a vegetarian and also a non-smoker. This claim again is said to be of his making for his silly political point scoring. Having presided over the secret mission of the Defence establishment to ruthlessly end the lives of many in connivance with the murderous underworld, Gota could have only given the leadership to create an atmosphere of fear amongst the nation’s people. No one was able to raise their voice and tell the truth. The secret white van missions and motorbike riding hit men were the real mechanisms that silenced the people. These were the heinous criminal products of Gota in his war effort. Following their master’s orders to bestow the ultimate penalties on the civilian society to suppress their voices, was the order of the day. The clandestine military mechanism worked very well when high technology telephone tapping became the backbone of the Gota’s drive to eliminate the dissenting voices.
Having enjoyed the ruthlessness, Gota’s ego centric mentality became his power crazy psyche. Following the defeat of the LTTE, he could not blame everything on the Tigers and now is playing his downright ruffian political game to impose a sense of fear among the people that he is the master brain of the victorious Sri Lanka against the LTTE.
What he failed to understand was that the forces have gone through a 30 year history, battling with the LTTE and the LTTE was progressing without new options or adventurisms. The victory bell was ringing well before Mahinda was elected as President. The military was able to pull through with a masterly military plan with sheer dedication of our valiant soldiers and their commanding officers. The dedication and the sacrifices that followed are now being capitalized for political point scoring by Gotabaya.
The final battle against the LTTE was victorious because there was absolute unity amongst the forces and they had the people and the media support, instead only of the political direction of Rajapakse family. One must realise the odds were absolutely against the LTTE as its arrogance diminished its credibility and authority as a group that could spearhead an armed struggle any longer. On the scale of diminishing returns, for the LTTE, its decision to go for peace agreement with the UNP; foolish way path of boycotting the 2005 Presidential election to teach a lesson to Ranil Wickramasinghe and then it’s unilateral engagement to initiate a war against the forces under the pretext of peoples force were the underlying self defeating causes of its making that ultimately destroyed its military mission.
I would like to highlight two violations involving the pseudo non-violent and vegetarian Buddhist Goatabhaya when he was serving as Lt Col in the Army. In one of his recent private TV interview, the Former army commander General Sarath Fonseka had said that Gotabhaya and his four fans together assaulted unto death a soldier attached to the Sinha Regiment in the Minneriya Forest. After this very serious incident, he was hiding somewhere in Nugegoda in the outskirts of Colombo to escape from some army officials who wanted to teach Gotabhaya a lesson. His hide and seek game with the help of the underworld had helped him not incurring any harm.
The second incident is narrated in a police report of a relative of a victim who was killed during the JVP’s second insurrection in the late 1980’s. The report states, Gotabhaya was in-charge to one of the detention camps in Matale, where hundreds of youths belonging to the JVP and some innocent school children were massacred.
These two incidents are fair account to understand the vegetarian mindset of Gotabhaya and how he did impose his non-violent Buddhist policy in to violence, when he was serving in the Sri Lankan army. Unfortunately, all these ruthless murders are now swept under the carpet and now Gotabhaya returned to Sri Lanka from exile like a piri sudhu mahattaya to continue with his gangster methodology to suppress the civilian society. Gotabhaya is none other than a war criminal and now tries to stand on moral high grounds to portray him as the father of all the victories in Sri Lanka.
I am not saying that he did nothing. My argument is that he did some thing but comparatively little to the sacrifices and committed contributions of many others to defeat the LTTE. Gotabhaya is not the sole author of the victory. What he is doing is to exploit the sacrifices of the real hero’s of the war and paint a wrong picture about the historical victory.
Gota’s gangland theory cannot be applied to a professional military mission. He had proved himself as a crucifying victor against the democratic voices and those dead and buried together with imprisoned persons are testimonies that is expected to be kept under the wrap for a foreseeable future unless a pragmatic and a down to earth leader is installed to the helm to reveal them.
There is nothing wrong in saying that the entire family of Rajapakshas are crooked. They are comparable to the Rumanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu’s rule.
Worshiping the Buddha status and his other murderous mission to eliminate the opposition must be carefully considered. Mahinda/Basail/Gota management of the government has caused so much harm to the nation that even the genuine achievement of the people and the forces cannot be celebrated with all honesty.
They in the first place stole the credibility of the SLFP and now they have turned into a big time mafia and steeling every good thing’s of the Tamil Tiger rebels without the knowledge of the people. These three discredits are now on the march to steel even the sole achievement of the Army.
Rajapaksha’s are thinking that they can stay in power while keep on talking about the victory of the War and also by mudslinging against the opponents. They are attempting to move forward in their psychopathic path and the poor and innocent people are getting entrapped in this brute maneuverings. Instead of competing in a free and fair society, Rajapakse’s are attempting to thrive on the goon culture and in the culture of fear and intimidation.
In their book, Alezander and Margrete Mitscherlich , has pointed out, “ Painful experiences and guilty set in train no progress in the maturation of the ego, do not mobilize the capacity to maintain critical thought under the pressure of guilty, to tolerate disappointments about one’s own behavior, and the like. Instead, the energy of the ego is wasted on warding off the return of the repressed. The ego protects itself with memory gaps, and remains by and large as it was. It thus falls behind. It loses the ability freely to face the past.” (quoted - ‘Inability to Mourn –page – 106) Present situation of the family rule of Rajapaksha’s is similar. Rajapaksha has failed to find a political solution and address the core issues like educations, health and transport etc. They have only fattened their Swiss accounts to settle peacefully in the Chinese, Pakistani, Russian, Iranian or Myanmar regimes following the political reversal they are destined to be rewarded by the people.
Fortunately the Rajapaksha’s power crave came for testing few months ago and there is now an opposition-party alternative to back a non-party candidate. This is a major turning point in the history of Sri Lankan to prevent another Nicolae Ceauşescu regime being permanently installed through democratic means in the country. Defeat of cronyism and rise of General Sarath Fonseka is a must and an able and practical leader to govern the country and to redeem it from the slumber is the urgent need a leader like Sarath could deliver. His election will be a revolution the country ever experienced and his military achievements can be consolidated to create a fair and just society in Sri Lanka for all the nation’s people to breathe the fresh air of freedom they are yeaning for.
Moses was eventually told by God to free the Jews and Moses spoke on God's behalf and used God's powers to try and convince the Pharaoh to let the Jews go free. When he refused, seven curses were released that devastated Egypt and forced the Pharaoh to let the Jews go. As they were leaving, the Egyptian army was sent after them to slaughter them in revenge for the plagues that had been released on Egypt. Trapped between the army and the Red Sea (which was probably a mistranslation of a now dried u marsh, not the actual red sea) Moses asked God to help him escape and with God's power, Moses parted the waters of the sea to allow the Jews to escape to the Sinai. The army tried to follow, but the waters returned when the soldiers were in the middle of the marsh/sea and they all drowned. 20 years and about 100 miles later (I don't know why it could possibly take that long) the Jews reached Palestine, and would eventually destroy the native populations there and replace them.
Sri Lanka failed to produce a statesman. All those ruled us were constrained stocks and worse is the present regime of Mahendra Percy Rajapakse-an idiosyncratic nasty regime that is surviving on the sufferings of the people.
Sri Lanka is yearning with hope to bury the past of hate mongering politics and the victory maker of the war is the only hope the people have, to attain the much needed good governance Sri Lanka honestly need in this ever degrading standard of ruling.
(The writer can be reached at ilangamuwa@gmail.com )
Nathan said:
Vanni is another Herosima, distroyer by Cluster,chemical & pospharus bombs, ground full of tamils burried alive. The real fact is that all this distruction carried out by indian and chinese opperators.
December 28, 2009 12:33 PM .sampath said:
It appears thet you are in league with Ranil, Ravi karunanayake and mangal who did their level best oto stop ltte being defeated, and rediculed and belittled armed forces in the midst of the war. You seem very disappointed that the country is now united and jhad stood firm against the western countries hellbent on destabilising the country.
December 28, 2009 2:34 PM .Wasantha said:
What a tragedy! I agree, we have failed to produce a statesman but have produced too many arseholes. It is because Rajapakse brothers we are able to keep our heads up as a nation.
December 28, 2009 6:48 PM .molinaux said:
Around this time the maggots start creeping through the rotten wood. the above hate filled statements of the writer is not warranted after a three decade old war has been brought to an end. It is only now that these so called human rightist are making claims of inhuman tactics on the war front. Some pay lip service not even knowing facts on the subject, repeating and endorsing what some one else had sentiment ed.
It is time we as one Nation stand up together without any division in a free and one Nation and show the world that we are together in every way. We should not allow any foreign or local wolf prey on our division.
We love our motherland and we need to show we are true to it.
December 28, 2009 7:03 PM .Vaniasingham said:
Mr. Illangamuwe is a right fit to SF slandering people without facts. All what is presented eloquently are hearsay substance to make his argument. He should right a similar article on SF whose tongue is wagging on the reverse. All those detailed interviews he has given to media and press previously is been twisted by his current utterances. Anyway we respect democracy where people can say anything about other people even when those words are not substantiated.
December 28, 2009 8:24 PM .jayalal said:
The present governmnt should not be alllowed to be in power for the simple reason that they have been showing the signs of reaching dictatorship.This is well understood by none other than JVP and that is why they have gone too far to form an alliance with UNP to defeat the threat by fielding a common candidate.the dictatorship of any governmnet should not be allowed by the people in Sri lanka and should be defeted right away.it is a tragic that most of the ordinary voters are not paying attention to the seriousness of the situation the will have to face with if this government comes to power once again.
December 29, 2009 1:01 AM .jayalal said:
December 29, 2009 1:48 AM
Sri Lanka Guardian (www.srilankaguardian.org)
Gotabaya is none other than a war criminal and now tries to stand on moral high grounds to portray him as a father of all the victories in SriLanka.!!
The merciless Rajapaksha regime must find its way out
Monday, December 28, 2009
“Sri Lanka failed to produce a statesman. All those ruled us were constrained stocks and worse is the present regime of Mahendra Percy Rajapakse-an idiosyncratic nasty regime that is surviving on the sufferings of the people.”
By Nilantha Ilangamuwa
(December 29, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksha is a fundamental rights violator. Being one time in the military service, he should have known the implications of violating the military, humanitarian and the international rules and laws in any military engagements. His conduct has surpassed the behaviour of his predecessor, the self professed General Anuruddha Ratwatte of the former President Chandrika Kumaratunga’s regime to make political statements to hurt the most vulnerable people in our island nation.
Bestowed with unquestionable political and military decision making powers, arrogated from his dear brother the President Mahinda Rajapaksha, Gotabaya is one those who is not only determining the failing path of Sri Lanka but also the unpredictable future of his brother and his family’s political fortunes. Since May 2009, he has made many pronouncements about his military victory against the LTTE. For political expediency and to undermine the military leadership, he says war victory was his own making. In this, he says the former chief’s of forces were his own creation and no one could have won the war if his leadership was not there.
For more than a decade, the Defence Secretary Lt. Col. Gotabhaya never stepped on his motherland and was away from the battlefield. Following the election of Mahinda Rajapaksha as President, the unknown Gotabhaya was brought into the scene. With his sheer arrogance, ruthless maneuverings and his imprudent conduct towards the media and the democratic voices, Gotabhaya acclaimed his status on aspects of the dirty war against the LTTE on behalf of the President. How can a retired Lt Col. could solely take credit for the outright victory against the LTTE, thus undermining the military hierarchy that had on the ground level made meticulous preparations and enormous sacrifices to achieve the much wanted success.
Like the former President Chandrika Bandaranaike’s uncle Anuruddha Ratwatte, who was acting as Defence Secretary during her term, Gotabaya too is trying to score political points on the military victory. Unlike the ruthless Anuruddha, Gotabya has gone all out to demean the military leadership and its achievements.
There are similarities in both their ego missions. The non combatant Anuruddha promoted him with the help of his President Sister to be called the General, whilst Gota with the sheer manipulation of a University got an honorary doctorate title for defeating the LTTE recently. At least the self proclaimed General Ratwatte was much seen in the battle front overseeing some of the operations, but the hot headed Gota limited his activities in an unscrupulous manner to develop a clandestine secret military machinery to throttle the very basic functioning of the civil society.
It is claimed Gotabhaya is a vegetarian and also a non-smoker. This claim again is said to be of his making for his silly political point scoring. Having presided over the secret mission of the Defence establishment to ruthlessly end the lives of many in connivance with the murderous underworld, Gota could have only given the leadership to create an atmosphere of fear amongst the nation’s people. No one was able to raise their voice and tell the truth. The secret white van missions and motorbike riding hit men were the real mechanisms that silenced the people. These were the heinous criminal products of Gota in his war effort. Following their master’s orders to bestow the ultimate penalties on the civilian society to suppress their voices, was the order of the day. The clandestine military mechanism worked very well when high technology telephone tapping became the backbone of the Gota’s drive to eliminate the dissenting voices.
Having enjoyed the ruthlessness, Gota’s ego centric mentality became his power crazy psyche. Following the defeat of the LTTE, he could not blame everything on the Tigers and now is playing his downright ruffian political game to impose a sense of fear among the people that he is the master brain of the victorious Sri Lanka against the LTTE.
What he failed to understand was that the forces have gone through a 30 year history, battling with the LTTE and the LTTE was progressing without new options or adventurisms. The victory bell was ringing well before Mahinda was elected as President. The military was able to pull through with a masterly military plan with sheer dedication of our valiant soldiers and their commanding officers. The dedication and the sacrifices that followed are now being capitalized for political point scoring by Gotabaya.
The final battle against the LTTE was victorious because there was absolute unity amongst the forces and they had the people and the media support, instead only of the political direction of Rajapakse family. One must realise the odds were absolutely against the LTTE as its arrogance diminished its credibility and authority as a group that could spearhead an armed struggle any longer. On the scale of diminishing returns, for the LTTE, its decision to go for peace agreement with the UNP; foolish way path of boycotting the 2005 Presidential election to teach a lesson to Ranil Wickramasinghe and then it’s unilateral engagement to initiate a war against the forces under the pretext of peoples force were the underlying self defeating causes of its making that ultimately destroyed its military mission.
I would like to highlight two violations involving the pseudo non-violent and vegetarian Buddhist Goatabhaya when he was serving as Lt Col in the Army. In one of his recent private TV interview, the Former army commander General Sarath Fonseka had said that Gotabhaya and his four fans together assaulted unto death a soldier attached to the Sinha Regiment in the Minneriya Forest. After this very serious incident, he was hiding somewhere in Nugegoda in the outskirts of Colombo to escape from some army officials who wanted to teach Gotabhaya a lesson. His hide and seek game with the help of the underworld had helped him not incurring any harm.
The second incident is narrated in a police report of a relative of a victim who was killed during the JVP’s second insurrection in the late 1980’s. The report states, Gotabhaya was in-charge to one of the detention camps in Matale, where hundreds of youths belonging to the JVP and some innocent school children were massacred.
These two incidents are fair account to understand the vegetarian mindset of Gotabhaya and how he did impose his non-violent Buddhist policy in to violence, when he was serving in the Sri Lankan army. Unfortunately, all these ruthless murders are now swept under the carpet and now Gotabhaya returned to Sri Lanka from exile like a piri sudhu mahattaya to continue with his gangster methodology to suppress the civilian society. Gotabhaya is none other than a war criminal and now tries to stand on moral high grounds to portray him as the father of all the victories in Sri Lanka.
I am not saying that he did nothing. My argument is that he did some thing but comparatively little to the sacrifices and committed contributions of many others to defeat the LTTE. Gotabhaya is not the sole author of the victory. What he is doing is to exploit the sacrifices of the real hero’s of the war and paint a wrong picture about the historical victory.
Gota’s gangland theory cannot be applied to a professional military mission. He had proved himself as a crucifying victor against the democratic voices and those dead and buried together with imprisoned persons are testimonies that is expected to be kept under the wrap for a foreseeable future unless a pragmatic and a down to earth leader is installed to the helm to reveal them.
There is nothing wrong in saying that the entire family of Rajapakshas are crooked. They are comparable to the Rumanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu’s rule.
Worshiping the Buddha status and his other murderous mission to eliminate the opposition must be carefully considered. Mahinda/Basail/Gota management of the government has caused so much harm to the nation that even the genuine achievement of the people and the forces cannot be celebrated with all honesty.
They in the first place stole the credibility of the SLFP and now they have turned into a big time mafia and steeling every good thing’s of the Tamil Tiger rebels without the knowledge of the people. These three discredits are now on the march to steel even the sole achievement of the Army.
Rajapaksha’s are thinking that they can stay in power while keep on talking about the victory of the War and also by mudslinging against the opponents. They are attempting to move forward in their psychopathic path and the poor and innocent people are getting entrapped in this brute maneuverings. Instead of competing in a free and fair society, Rajapakse’s are attempting to thrive on the goon culture and in the culture of fear and intimidation.
In their book, Alezander and Margrete Mitscherlich , has pointed out, “ Painful experiences and guilty set in train no progress in the maturation of the ego, do not mobilize the capacity to maintain critical thought under the pressure of guilty, to tolerate disappointments about one’s own behavior, and the like. Instead, the energy of the ego is wasted on warding off the return of the repressed. The ego protects itself with memory gaps, and remains by and large as it was. It thus falls behind. It loses the ability freely to face the past.” (quoted - ‘Inability to Mourn –page – 106) Present situation of the family rule of Rajapaksha’s is similar. Rajapaksha has failed to find a political solution and address the core issues like educations, health and transport etc. They have only fattened their Swiss accounts to settle peacefully in the Chinese, Pakistani, Russian, Iranian or Myanmar regimes following the political reversal they are destined to be rewarded by the people.
Fortunately the Rajapaksha’s power crave came for testing few months ago and there is now an opposition-party alternative to back a non-party candidate. This is a major turning point in the history of Sri Lankan to prevent another Nicolae Ceauşescu regime being permanently installed through democratic means in the country. Defeat of cronyism and rise of General Sarath Fonseka is a must and an able and practical leader to govern the country and to redeem it from the slumber is the urgent need a leader like Sarath could deliver. His election will be a revolution the country ever experienced and his military achievements can be consolidated to create a fair and just society in Sri Lanka for all the nation’s people to breathe the fresh air of freedom they are yeaning for.
Moses was eventually told by God to free the Jews and Moses spoke on God's behalf and used God's powers to try and convince the Pharaoh to let the Jews go free. When he refused, seven curses were released that devastated Egypt and forced the Pharaoh to let the Jews go. As they were leaving, the Egyptian army was sent after them to slaughter them in revenge for the plagues that had been released on Egypt. Trapped between the army and the Red Sea (which was probably a mistranslation of a now dried u marsh, not the actual red sea) Moses asked God to help him escape and with God's power, Moses parted the waters of the sea to allow the Jews to escape to the Sinai. The army tried to follow, but the waters returned when the soldiers were in the middle of the marsh/sea and they all drowned. 20 years and about 100 miles later (I don't know why it could possibly take that long) the Jews reached Palestine, and would eventually destroy the native populations there and replace them.
Sri Lanka failed to produce a statesman. All those ruled us were constrained stocks and worse is the present regime of Mahendra Percy Rajapakse-an idiosyncratic nasty regime that is surviving on the sufferings of the people.
Sri Lanka is yearning with hope to bury the past of hate mongering politics and the victory maker of the war is the only hope the people have, to attain the much needed good governance Sri Lanka honestly need in this ever degrading standard of ruling.
(The writer can be reached at ilangamuwa@gmail.com )
Nathan said:
Vanni is another Herosima, distroyer by Cluster,chemical & pospharus bombs, ground full of tamils burried alive. The real fact is that all this distruction carried out by indian and chinese opperators.
December 28, 2009 2:34 PM .Wasantha said:
What a tragedy! I agree, we have failed to produce a statesman but have produced too many arseholes.
December 28, 2009 7:03 PM .Vaniasingham said:
Mr. Illangamuwe is a right fit to SF slandering people without facts. All what is presented eloquently are hearsay substance to make his argument. He should right a similar article on SF whose tongue is wagging on the reverse. All those detailed interviews he has given to media and press previously is been twisted by his current utterances. Anyway we respect democracy where people can say anything about other people even when those words are not substantiated.
December 28, 2009 8:24 PM .jayalal said:
The present governmnt should not be alllowed to be in power for the simple reason that they have been showing the signs of reaching dictatorship.This is well understood by none other than JVP and that is why they have gone too far to form an alliance with UNP to defeat the threat by fielding a common candidate.the dictatorship of any governmnet should not be allowed by the people in Sri lanka and should be defeted right away.it is a tragic that most of the ordinary voters are not paying attention to the seriousness of the situation the will have to face with if this government comes to power once again.
Email: feed@srilankaguardian.org
Monday, December 28, 2009
“Sri Lanka failed to produce a statesman. All those ruled us were constrained stocks and worse is the present regime of Mahendra Percy Rajapakse-an idiosyncratic nasty regime that is surviving on the sufferings of the people.”
By Nilantha Ilangamuwa
(December 29, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksha is a fundamental rights violator. Being one time in the military service, he should have known the implications of violating the military, humanitarian and the international rules and laws in any military engagements. His conduct has surpassed the behaviour of his predecessor, the self professed General Anuruddha Ratwatte of the former President Chandrika Kumaratunga’s regime to make political statements to hurt the most vulnerable people in our island nation.
Bestowed with unquestionable political and military decision making powers, arrogated from his dear brother the President Mahinda Rajapaksha, Gotabaya is one those who is not only determining the failing path of Sri Lanka but also the unpredictable future of his brother and his family’s political fortunes. Since May 2009, he has made many pronouncements about his military victory against the LTTE. For political expediency and to undermine the military leadership, he says war victory was his own making. In this, he says the former chief’s of forces were his own creation and no one could have won the war if his leadership was not there.
For more than a decade, the Defence Secretary Lt. Col. Gotabhaya never stepped on his motherland and was away from the battlefield. Following the election of Mahinda Rajapaksha as President, the unknown Gotabhaya was brought into the scene. With his sheer arrogance, ruthless maneuverings and his imprudent conduct towards the media and the democratic voices, Gotabhaya acclaimed his status on aspects of the dirty war against the LTTE on behalf of the President. How can a retired Lt Col. could solely take credit for the outright victory against the LTTE, thus undermining the military hierarchy that had on the ground level made meticulous preparations and enormous sacrifices to achieve the much wanted success.
Like the former President Chandrika Bandaranaike’s uncle Anuruddha Ratwatte, who was acting as Defence Secretary during her term, Gotabaya too is trying to score political points on the military victory. Unlike the ruthless Anuruddha, Gotabya has gone all out to demean the military leadership and its achievements.
There are similarities in both their ego missions. The non combatant Anuruddha promoted him with the help of his President Sister to be called the General, whilst Gota with the sheer manipulation of a University got an honorary doctorate title for defeating the LTTE recently. At least the self proclaimed General Ratwatte was much seen in the battle front overseeing some of the operations, but the hot headed Gota limited his activities in an unscrupulous manner to develop a clandestine secret military machinery to throttle the very basic functioning of the civil society.
It is claimed Gotabhaya is a vegetarian and also a non-smoker. This claim again is said to be of his making for his silly political point scoring. Having presided over the secret mission of the Defence establishment to ruthlessly end the lives of many in connivance with the murderous underworld, Gota could have only given the leadership to create an atmosphere of fear amongst the nation’s people. No one was able to raise their voice and tell the truth. The secret white van missions and motorbike riding hit men were the real mechanisms that silenced the people. These were the heinous criminal products of Gota in his war effort. Following their master’s orders to bestow the ultimate penalties on the civilian society to suppress their voices, was the order of the day. The clandestine military mechanism worked very well when high technology telephone tapping became the backbone of the Gota’s drive to eliminate the dissenting voices.
Having enjoyed the ruthlessness, Gota’s ego centric mentality became his power crazy psyche. Following the defeat of the LTTE, he could not blame everything on the Tigers and now is playing his downright ruffian political game to impose a sense of fear among the people that he is the master brain of the victorious Sri Lanka against the LTTE.
What he failed to understand was that the forces have gone through a 30 year history, battling with the LTTE and the LTTE was progressing without new options or adventurisms. The victory bell was ringing well before Mahinda was elected as President. The military was able to pull through with a masterly military plan with sheer dedication of our valiant soldiers and their commanding officers. The dedication and the sacrifices that followed are now being capitalized for political point scoring by Gotabaya.
The final battle against the LTTE was victorious because there was absolute unity amongst the forces and they had the people and the media support, instead only of the political direction of Rajapakse family. One must realise the odds were absolutely against the LTTE as its arrogance diminished its credibility and authority as a group that could spearhead an armed struggle any longer. On the scale of diminishing returns, for the LTTE, its decision to go for peace agreement with the UNP; foolish way path of boycotting the 2005 Presidential election to teach a lesson to Ranil Wickramasinghe and then it’s unilateral engagement to initiate a war against the forces under the pretext of peoples force were the underlying self defeating causes of its making that ultimately destroyed its military mission.
I would like to highlight two violations involving the pseudo non-violent and vegetarian Buddhist Goatabhaya when he was serving as Lt Col in the Army. In one of his recent private TV interview, the Former army commander General Sarath Fonseka had said that Gotabhaya and his four fans together assaulted unto death a soldier attached to the Sinha Regiment in the Minneriya Forest. After this very serious incident, he was hiding somewhere in Nugegoda in the outskirts of Colombo to escape from some army officials who wanted to teach Gotabhaya a lesson. His hide and seek game with the help of the underworld had helped him not incurring any harm.
The second incident is narrated in a police report of a relative of a victim who was killed during the JVP’s second insurrection in the late 1980’s. The report states, Gotabhaya was in-charge to one of the detention camps in Matale, where hundreds of youths belonging to the JVP and some innocent school children were massacred.
These two incidents are fair account to understand the vegetarian mindset of Gotabhaya and how he did impose his non-violent Buddhist policy in to violence, when he was serving in the Sri Lankan army. Unfortunately, all these ruthless murders are now swept under the carpet and now Gotabhaya returned to Sri Lanka from exile like a piri sudhu mahattaya to continue with his gangster methodology to suppress the civilian society. Gotabhaya is none other than a war criminal and now tries to stand on moral high grounds to portray him as the father of all the victories in Sri Lanka.
I am not saying that he did nothing. My argument is that he did some thing but comparatively little to the sacrifices and committed contributions of many others to defeat the LTTE. Gotabhaya is not the sole author of the victory. What he is doing is to exploit the sacrifices of the real hero’s of the war and paint a wrong picture about the historical victory.
Gota’s gangland theory cannot be applied to a professional military mission. He had proved himself as a crucifying victor against the democratic voices and those dead and buried together with imprisoned persons are testimonies that is expected to be kept under the wrap for a foreseeable future unless a pragmatic and a down to earth leader is installed to the helm to reveal them.
There is nothing wrong in saying that the entire family of Rajapakshas are crooked. They are comparable to the Rumanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu’s rule.
Worshiping the Buddha status and his other murderous mission to eliminate the opposition must be carefully considered. Mahinda/Basail/Gota management of the government has caused so much harm to the nation that even the genuine achievement of the people and the forces cannot be celebrated with all honesty.
They in the first place stole the credibility of the SLFP and now they have turned into a big time mafia and steeling every good thing’s of the Tamil Tiger rebels without the knowledge of the people. These three discredits are now on the march to steel even the sole achievement of the Army.
Rajapaksha’s are thinking that they can stay in power while keep on talking about the victory of the War and also by mudslinging against the opponents. They are attempting to move forward in their psychopathic path and the poor and innocent people are getting entrapped in this brute maneuverings. Instead of competing in a free and fair society, Rajapakse’s are attempting to thrive on the goon culture and in the culture of fear and intimidation.
In their book, Alezander and Margrete Mitscherlich , has pointed out, “ Painful experiences and guilty set in train no progress in the maturation of the ego, do not mobilize the capacity to maintain critical thought under the pressure of guilty, to tolerate disappointments about one’s own behavior, and the like. Instead, the energy of the ego is wasted on warding off the return of the repressed. The ego protects itself with memory gaps, and remains by and large as it was. It thus falls behind. It loses the ability freely to face the past.” (quoted - ‘Inability to Mourn –page – 106) Present situation of the family rule of Rajapaksha’s is similar. Rajapaksha has failed to find a political solution and address the core issues like educations, health and transport etc. They have only fattened their Swiss accounts to settle peacefully in the Chinese, Pakistani, Russian, Iranian or Myanmar regimes following the political reversal they are destined to be rewarded by the people.
Fortunately the Rajapaksha’s power crave came for testing few months ago and there is now an opposition-party alternative to back a non-party candidate. This is a major turning point in the history of Sri Lankan to prevent another Nicolae Ceauşescu regime being permanently installed through democratic means in the country. Defeat of cronyism and rise of General Sarath Fonseka is a must and an able and practical leader to govern the country and to redeem it from the slumber is the urgent need a leader like Sarath could deliver. His election will be a revolution the country ever experienced and his military achievements can be consolidated to create a fair and just society in Sri Lanka for all the nation’s people to breathe the fresh air of freedom they are yeaning for.
Moses was eventually told by God to free the Jews and Moses spoke on God's behalf and used God's powers to try and convince the Pharaoh to let the Jews go free. When he refused, seven curses were released that devastated Egypt and forced the Pharaoh to let the Jews go. As they were leaving, the Egyptian army was sent after them to slaughter them in revenge for the plagues that had been released on Egypt. Trapped between the army and the Red Sea (which was probably a mistranslation of a now dried u marsh, not the actual red sea) Moses asked God to help him escape and with God's power, Moses parted the waters of the sea to allow the Jews to escape to the Sinai. The army tried to follow, but the waters returned when the soldiers were in the middle of the marsh/sea and they all drowned. 20 years and about 100 miles later (I don't know why it could possibly take that long) the Jews reached Palestine, and would eventually destroy the native populations there and replace them.
Sri Lanka failed to produce a statesman. All those ruled us were constrained stocks and worse is the present regime of Mahendra Percy Rajapakse-an idiosyncratic nasty regime that is surviving on the sufferings of the people.
Sri Lanka is yearning with hope to bury the past of hate mongering politics and the victory maker of the war is the only hope the people have, to attain the much needed good governance Sri Lanka honestly need in this ever degrading standard of ruling.
(The writer can be reached at ilangamuwa@gmail.com )
Nathan said:
Vanni is another Herosima, distroyer by Cluster,chemical & pospharus bombs, ground full of tamils burried alive. The real fact is that all this distruction carried out by indian and chinese opperators.
December 28, 2009 2:34 PM .Wasantha said:
What a tragedy! I agree, we have failed to produce a statesman but have produced too many arseholes.
December 28, 2009 7:03 PM .Vaniasingham said:
Mr. Illangamuwe is a right fit to SF slandering people without facts. All what is presented eloquently are hearsay substance to make his argument. He should right a similar article on SF whose tongue is wagging on the reverse. All those detailed interviews he has given to media and press previously is been twisted by his current utterances. Anyway we respect democracy where people can say anything about other people even when those words are not substantiated.
December 28, 2009 8:24 PM .jayalal said:
The present governmnt should not be alllowed to be in power for the simple reason that they have been showing the signs of reaching dictatorship.This is well understood by none other than JVP and that is why they have gone too far to form an alliance with UNP to defeat the threat by fielding a common candidate.the dictatorship of any governmnet should not be allowed by the people in Sri lanka and should be defeted right away.it is a tragic that most of the ordinary voters are not paying attention to the seriousness of the situation the will have to face with if this government comes to power once again.
Email: feed@srilankaguardian.org
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